Chapter Eleven: Falling

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Six months later...

Celestia returned from yet another meeting with Discord. She flopped onto her bed and clutched her hooves close to her, closing her eyes to imagine what had transpired that night. He loved her. He had said it on the top of the mountain right beside Canterlot, where they could see both the lights of the sleepy town and the lights of Luna's stars. Now Celestia was mentally arranging how Discord might propose, as that was surely next. And Celestia was thinking about what her reply would be. Of course something to the extent of yes, but how to word it? Something to do with the sun? Or with his peculiar hobby..?  The "peculiar hobby" Celestia had noticed Discord having was, in fact, the twisting of ordinary things into strange new ones. Just the other day, he had made the clouds pink, like her mane, and the rain chocolate! What a time they had, running around in the delicious rain that fell from the fluffy pink clouds! Discord is a truly wonderful creature. He comes to every one of my Sun Ceremonies, too! And indeed he had. Discord had built a home in Canterlot just so he could be there every day. Now it was time for the dawn. Celestia smiled. They practically worship me! All the ponies gather to see me! How must I appear to them? A goddess? A queen? An enchantress? Celestia decided that today she would fly into the ceremony. It would add more effect. She took off from her window and landed on her balcony amidst cheers from all sides. How much they all live me! How much Discord loves me! And how much I am falling in love with him!


Luna watched from a tree as Celestia and Discord wandered into the royal gardens. Celestia was leaning her head on Discord's shoulder. They look so happy... But something was wrong. Luna didn't know what yet, but there was something. Through the past months, Luna had watched her sister spend night after night with Discord. They would go out to hillsides or gardens and look up at the stars. Or they would go and sit besides a fountain and talk. Luna saw the pair walk towards the tree where she was perched, a lovely cherry. They sat down beneath her and began to talk. Most of it was near nonsense, poetry of preoccupied minds. But some of it was real conversation. At one point, nearing around four in the morning, Discord straightened up to go. All at once, it happened: Celestia kissed Discord. Luna had to stuff her hoof into her mouth to keep from screaming. Celestia, when you get back home, you are in SO much trouble!
As soon as Discord left, Luna leapt down from the tree. "I certainly hope you enjoyed yourself." Celestia jumped slightly, then sighed and turned around. "Luna, I told you already. Discord is the perfect gentlepony. He'd never do anything purposely wrong." She looked straight at Luna. " me?" Luna froze. Trust her? Perhaps I haven't been trusting her. She is my big sister...I just want to protect her. Like she always does for me. Luna took a step back. "Tia, I don't like Discord. But maybe I'm wrong. And I trust you. I would trust you with my life. Just please...make sure that it never comes to that." Celestia nodded and smiled kindly. She flew off to prepare for dawn. Luna didn't bother. What rest she could have would be beneath this tree.
A scream. Celestia's scream. Fire. Ponies were running everywhere, trying to escape from some unspeakable evil. The world had gone wrong. Grey ponies and checkered grass. Luna was powerless to stop it. She saw Celestia, bound by magic chains, beaten and bruised. But she could not reach her. She saw ponies in terror, but she could not speak. The only sound that came out her mouth was a chilling laugh. In a nearby puddle, Luna saw the reflection of a monster.

And the monster was her.

All of a sudden, Celestia rose. Chains were snapped in the grip of her magic as she stepped threateningly towards Luna. Her horn glowed, and pints of colored light appeared around her head. A flash of light.
Then falling...
Luna awoke screaming. It had been a dream. But not a dream like she was used to. This was new. Terrible.
She shivered. She could still feel herself falling.

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