Song of Hope - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The reception was everything Sydney expected it would be and more! Everyone knew that Millie’s parents had not originally liked Paul or the idea of their daughter marrying a minister. But, over time they realized Paul and Millie were perfect together. And although they wanted to have the reception at the country club, after Alexis’ wedding and the trauma that Millie had gone through, they did not force the issue.

Instead the reception was being held in the fellowship hall of New Life Christian Church, Sydney’s and Paul’s church. Anyone could tell upon entering the fellowship hall that the Anderson’s had pulled out all the stops, and money was no object. Possibly trying to make up for all the problems they gave Millie and Paul early in their relationship.

Paul gathered his bride and they walked around greeting their guests. ‘Enough!’ Sydney thought. She needed to step out and get some fresh air. Why was she feeling like this? She was a strong, independent woman. She needed to pull herself together and be happy for her friends! And she really was happy for them! Yet, she was depressed for her singled status and tired of being alone.

During college when friends started to get married, settle down and have babies, that was all Sydney wanted. She longed for a life with a husband and 2.3 kids, although she never quite figured out the point three in that equation. All she ever dreamed about as a young girl was finding her Prince Charming. Nevertheless, she was twenty-eight and the only man she ever loved married his true-love an hour ago.

She walked towards the fountain on the patio, tears stinging her eyes. Sydney had never been this depressed. It wasn’t like she wanted to hurt herself, she was already hurting enough on the inside. All the pain was throbbing around the center of her chest. Sydney could not seem to catch her breath. Last. The absolute LAST of her friends to be single. Old Maid. Spinster!

She just needed a few minutes to compose herself. Sitting on the edge of the fountain, alone and crying, ‘Great!’ Sydney thought, ‘Just give me a house full of cats and an ugly cardigan sweater and I am all set!’

Wrapping herself in her cloak of depression and listening to the water trickle on the fountain behind her, Sydney was startled when the side of her dress was suddenly splashed with water. She jumped up quickly and began wiping away the excess in hopes that the silk did not stain,

Sydney was startled to see a very handsome man standing on the other side of the cascading water. “I am so sorry!” said the man with the most amazing green eyes Sydney had ever seen as he approached. His hair was cut close to the sides and a little shaggier on top, making Sydney really want to run her hands through the soft spikes.

‘God? Is this you? You know how I pray and pray and pray for something and when I think it is hopeless you give me what I have been praying for? Would you really drop a man literally in my lap during Paul’s wedding? If so THANK YOU!’

During her impromptu conversation with God, Austin approached from his side of the fountain. “I am really sorry.” He said again offering his napkin that was under his drink in order to help dry her dress.

“That’s OK.” Sydney said as she turned away wiping at her excess tears, she put on a smile and turned back taking the offered napkin. “It’s only silk and I’m sure I can get it dyed black or something.” She said with a laugh.

“Now I feel really terrible.” Austin said as he took out his wallet. “Look, here is my business card, please let me know how much it cost to dry clean and if the stain does not come out, please let me buy you a new one.”

Money was really no object to Austin. His father-in-law’s business really began to boom once Austin came on board as a computer engineer, now even during the recession, Austin was doing very well for himself. ‘Besides, when was the last time I bought a beautiful woman a dress?’ he thought and then immediately wished he hadn’t! That made him think of Sonya which made him all depressed again.

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