Song of Hope - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sydney was standing in the middle of the children’s department when she received a text on her phone. It read simply, “where r u?”

She had learned the number well and now that it was programmed into her phone, his picture came up as well. Austin was on the other side of the store in toy department. He decided at the last minute to come along and meet her for the infamous Black Friday shopping trip. Showing up with two cups of coffee, a 5 AM shadow and his hair standing up on ends, Sydney thought he looked absolutely adorable.

So far they had been to three stores already and it wasn’t even ten in the morning. Millie, Paul, Alexis and Charles had joined them and this was the last store before the group headed out to have a big breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

They decided to divide and conquer in this store and her objective was to pick out five outfits for winter that she thought Lacey might look cute in while he hit the toy department. They had thirty more minutes until they were suppose to meet the others at the front of the store.

Making her last selection, a red winter coat trimmed in faux fur, Sydney decided to head to the toy department instead of texting him back. As she approached, she received another text, “where r u? i need u?”

“Right behind you,” she said with a smile on her face.

“What do you think?” Austin asked looking up at the shelves where pretend kitchens were assembled for parents to look at, but high enough away the children could not play with them.

“Well, the Dora one is cute, but I like the Country Victorian kitchen myself. But, I am a girly girl.” Sydney said with a smile.

“Yeah, I was leaning towards that one too.”

Sydney showed him the outfits she picked out for his daughter. “You’ve got good taste,” Austin said as a matter of fact.

“Well, I try.” Sydney replied bumping her shoulder into his in a playful way.

Ever since there first phone call where Sydney told him how she felt, things had gotten better. They continued to chat and email and had even gotten into the habit of calling each other every night. The vocal connection made everything seem more real and not disjointed.

Sydney had promised that for right now they would just be friends until he was comfortable with more. But she was still nervous that she would get her heart broken.

They headed to the front of the store to check-out loaded with toys, clothes and stuffed animals. Everything a little three year old would love. Suddenly they came to a dead stop a hundred feet away from check-out.

“This is the check-out?” Austin said with a groan.

Sydney smiled up at him, “Darlin’ this is nothin’. Wait until we hit Toy’s R Us after breakfast.”

Austin looked at her with a new respect, he shook his head and had to ask, “How do you know so much about toys and toy stores? You are an only child, so no nieces and nephews. Yet you know all this stuff about toys, clothes and shopping.”

Laughing, Sydney said, “Well, I have friends with children that I spoil. But, I am also in charge of the Christmas Angel Tree at church. We give toys to children who may not get anything. It breaks your heart when you see a child write that they want a coat or tennis shoes for Christmas because their family can not afford them. So, I always buy extra toys to go with those gifts so every child has a surprise under the tree Christmas morning.”

Suddenly Austin felt a deeper appreciation for the woman standing in front of him. “That is awesome,” He finally choked out not realizing he had a tightness in his throat until he spoke. He cleared his throat and then said, “I think giving back to the community is a wonderful thing.”

“It’s hard to get people to send money to a missionary when all they need to do is look down the street to see people suffering.”

Suddenly a smile formed on Austin’s face. “Can I help? I mean, I love Lacey and I love treating her like a princess, but I would love to buy some trucks, Legos and Star Wars toys!”

Sydney laughed, “Yes, you can help! BUT, girls like Legos too you know!” she said as she bumped into his shoulder. “Give Lacey another year or two and she can help you build all sorts of buildings with Legos!”

Austin laughed, laughed hard. Finally he shook his head and said, “I can’t wait for that day!” Then he leaned in close and whispered, “Any chance girls are into Star Wars too?”

Glancing over at him Sydney said, “Maybe. I know I can wield a light saber just as good as anyone!”

“Sounds like a challenge!”

“Maybe.” Sydney said with a shrug of her shoulder and a wink.

Finally the line moved, and faster than either expected, they were at the car waiting on the rest of the group.

“I’m glad you came today.” Sydney said as she handed him a cup of coffee that she grabbed at Starbuck’s as they were leaving the store.

“Thanks, I’m glad I came too.” Austin took a swig of coffee marveling how she got the perfect combination of sugar and cream after only once having coffee together after the wedding. Then he said, “Even if it was so early in the morning! I still can’t believe you guys do this every year!”

Sydney smiled, “Some traditions are just too good to miss.”


The group settled in a large round table at Cracker Barrel to order their breakfast. This was the first year Millie had joined the group as well, she normally did all her Christmas shopping online and was not use to all the hustle and bustle of the crowds.

“I mean,” Millie said, “I don’t understand why it is so important to get a toy for five dollars, when I can pay about the same thing online, get free shipping and avoid the crowds. To me the little extra pays for the lack of crowds.” Raising her hand she adds, “AND if I do it at midnight, I might even get it for less! It just doesn’t make sense to me.”

“Because dear sister,” Alexis began “it is all in the hunt! Cavemen use to feel excited about going out and bagging the best kill for their survival, well I love to go out and bag the best sale for my wardrobe. I mean, did you see the red slingbacks I bought? Those will be great for work.”

Sydney laughed at that, “Nobody sees your feet! We are the same size, I think I need them for my work, at least people can see my feet.” Alexis beat Sydney to the shoes she had wanted and Sydney was willing to do anything to get them.

Austin said, “I thought we were Christmas shopping? Since when do you buy things for yourself?”

“Dear cousin, if the deal is too good to walk away from, you buy it.” Alexis said.

“Austin, we are not here to question our wives, we are here to carry their bags! When you get married, you will understand.” Charlie said, then as everyone stared at him he understood how what he said could be taken the wrong way by someone who had already been married and lost his wife. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it that way.”

Austin gave him a half smile, “It’s okay, I know you didn’t.” Then he looked down at his menu trying to decided how to handle his grief here and realized he couldn’t. Under the table, Sydney reached over and laid her hand on his thigh, not in some come-on way, only letting him know she was there for him. And he appreciated it. He placed his hand on hers and squeezed.

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