Song of Hope - Epilogue

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The picture Lacey picked up off the coffee table showed Austin holding Lacey and smiling down at Sydney and she returned his tender gaze with a look of pure joy. “See Bubby, this was when Daddy, Momsies and me got married. You weren’t there. Momsies was so pretty and see I looked like her in my white dress too. I know you’re a baby and stuff and you don’t know this, but Momsies and Daddy told me that the love they had made you, just like the love Mommy and Daddy had made me.”

Lacey returned the picture only to pick up another one, “This was the day you were born, Daddy was so excited, he almost forgot to help Momsies into the car.” Lacey giggled, “That’s when Momsies used all three of Daddy’s names.”

“Poppie and MawMaw kept me at their house while you were born and brought me to the hospital. Granddaddy came up and stayed with us then Nana and Papa. Everyone brought us presents, but Daddy said we were his best gifts from God, but Momsies calls you her little souvenir.”

Bubby kicked his legs and babbled, Lacey laughed. Cody, who Lacey affectionately called Bubby, was almost one and tried to pull himself up to the coffee table to teeter and take a step before plopping back down on the floor next to his sister.

Picking up another picture, one of the four of them in front of the Christmas tree just a couple of months ago, Lacey said, “This was last Christmas, we got a lot of presents. Daddy said he had the best though, I didn’t know why, but then Momsies said she was going to have another baby.”

Putting the picture down, she said, “But don’t worry, I’ll still be your big sissy, and now you will be a big bubby too.” She leaned down and gave her brother a kiss on his forehead.

“Lacey? Whatcha doing?” Sydney yelled from the kitchen. She was making a batch of cookies for her children and Lacey wanted to help.

“Just talking to Bubby, Mom,” Lacey said. The five year old decided this past week that she should call Sydney ‘Mom’ instead of ‘Momsies’ because it sounded more grown-up. Although it broke Sydney’s heart a little, she knew their daughter was growing up and ready to start kindergarten in a few months.

“Well, if you want to bake these cookies, I need your help.” Sydney was excited to have Lacey help her in the kitchen. Every Saturday they made some type of treats for the children to have in church on Sunday. Today it was her now famous chocolate chip cookies.

Lacey came in and pulled the step stool over to stand next to Sydney at the counter. “No ma’am, wash your hands first!” Sydney reminded her daughter.

Lacey looked up and reached out to touch Sydney’s stomach and said “Vannah, I can’t wait until you can help with the cookies too.” She leaned down and kiss the small baby bump on Sydney’s tummy. Then she went to the sink with the stool in hand and began washing her hands.

Sydney did not look up from her task of measuring the flour and said, “With soap Lacey Bean.”

“Yes ma’am,” Lacey replied as she squirted some liquid soap on her hands and then lifted them as she rubbed them together to her nose to smell the berry vanilla scent.

Austin came in carrying Cody. “Can Bubby and I help?”

Sydney looked up adoringly at her husband as he came over and rubbed Sydney’s tummy, “What do you think little Savannah? Do you want some of Momsies cookies?”

Suddenly for the first time during this pregnancy, Sydney felt the baby move. It was only a flutter and if she had not known what it felt like with Cody, she would have never known what it was.

Three years ago Sydney was alone in life with no chance at love. Austin had loved and lost his wife to cancer that sent him into a deep depression. Yet through God’s love and hope for a tomorrow, they are now a family and have a love that can weather any storm.

She guided Austin’s hand down to feel the little flutterings, and his eyes welled up with joy.  He kissed her cheek and whispered, “I love you so very much.”

Sydney smiled up at him and said, “I love you more.”

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, his breath hot on her neck and cheek, “Impossible.”

Chuckling, Sydney looked at him with a twinkle in her eye and said, “A girl can always hope!”


A/N - With a tear in my eye I post the closing to Austin and Sydney's love story. I hope I did them proud!! 

No one has commented on the coincidence in the main characters names...I hope with two of their children following in this pattern you will see it with the humor it is intended.


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