Am I Yours?

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I had gotten up early the next morning after a sleepless night. I was so tired I needed more time to sleep but I knew that I could not. I did not want to even think about sleep anymore. I got up and pulled on some shorts and sweater and head down to the dance studio my dad had in his basement. I turned the music on low with it being 7 in the morning and began to stretch.  I was ready after about 10 minuets of stretching. I wanted to do this barefoot I felt my body begin to loosen up and my feet were flying off the ground. I had hit every move that I did right on and was so proud of myself. A couple minuets later there was a soft knock on the door that made me jump.

I opened the door and before I knew it I was being taken off my feet and I felt my back against the cool wall. Hands tangled in my hair and soft nibbles against my lips slowly making their way up my jaw. I let out a quiet moan and felt myself reaching for the bottom of his shirt I pulled it off and was simply on awe. I saw hickies left from a couple nights ago and some nail marks on his chest I felt a hot blush climbing my cheeks. Before anything else could register his lips were back on mine again and I wanted more of this pure ecstasy that he gave me. I craved his touch I felt my body shiver as he put me down.

We were both breathing heavily and thank god no one was up yet because he would have been so dead. He lifted my chin up and gave me the softest kiss. I felt his hands cup my ass and I felt a smile come across my face. He started to nip at my neck and I let out a soft moan and I felt him smile. This was a feeling that I wanted I ran my fingertips down his torso again earn a throaty groan. He set me back down and I finally got my balance back. He kissed me again and grabbed his shirt. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. We sat on the floor of my dance studio and began to talk.

"I had to see you.I know it's early, but I couldn't sleep last night you were the only thing on my mind. I had to see you plus considering what you told me last night I had to make sure you were okay princess." I could not believe how sweet this boy was. He is literally my whole world and I know every teenage girl says that but I believe it. I kissed his cheek and he knew how much I appreciated him. After we talked for a little longer we went up stairs and to my surprise no body was up still. I went into the laundry room and pulled on one of Nathaniel's shirts that he works out in and some yoga pants and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I walked out to my gorgeous boyfriend who surprisingly look flawless in the morning.

I felt his eyes on me and I couldn't help but get a smirk on my face. I felt a firm slap on my ass and it made me yelp. I turned around to see him smirking. I felt my face turn bright red I turned around and I saw a different look in his eyes that I have never seen before. It was sexy and passionate with some aggression. I wanted him right then but I couldn't let him know that. I love playing hard to get with this boy. I went to make some coffee and I felt his hands on my hips I took advantage of it of course. I started to grind my hips against him and I heard that sexy deep groan in my ear again. I felt his finger tips dig into my hips as I kept grinding on him harder and harder. I felt him start to get hard, I stopped and sent a smirk his way his sweat pants gave away his hard on and I loved every minuet of it. He tried to hide it but there was no way that he could.

I heard the morning hustle of my dad and Stephanie getting ready for work. Apparently when you are an important person in the company you can come in three hours late to work. I heard her heels clicking down the stairs. Dave dashed behind the island making sure to stay out of the way. He flashed me "you're gonna get it" eyes and that sent shivers down my spine. I got my dad his coffee and packed his lunch because at this point I needed to kiss a lot of ass since he is not too fond of my boyfriend at the moment. I kissed his cheek good bye and said bye to Steph.

As soon as the door closed I made a run for it but before I knew it I felt to arms around my waist and my feet left the ground. I was thrown over his shoulder and I was in deep trouble. I was laughing and slapping the bottom of his back as he carried me to living room. I was gently thrown on the couch and had my hands pinned above my head. I had no way of getting my hands back at this point. I started to grind my hips again and he started to nip my neck. I got one hand free and grabbed a handful of his hair as he worked his way down my neck. Nathaniel's shirt had the sleeves cut off so it was easier access. He let my other and go and his hands slipped into the holes. 

Just as things were getting to where I wanted them, we were interrupted by my phone ringing. I squirmed to get out from underneath him. I had made it to my phone before it stopped ringing. 


"Adriana, it's Claudette." 

I started to tense up. "Why are you calling?"

"Listen, I know dinner was rough the other night, but I didn't get to tell you what I wanted too. Caity is easily influenced and if you keep hanging around with her, well let's just say that things can get very bad for you and that boy toy. Now here's what you're gonna do, you're going to get her to break up with that train wreck of a boy, and then you are going to tell her that she is not right for you and your friendship cannot continue."

I was pissed and she was about to get it. "Listen here you dumb bitch. I am not fond of you or your daughter one bit, in my opinion she's a home wrecking slut. There has only been one good thing that has come out of my parent's separation and that would be Nick and making my mother happy again. Talk shit about her or him and it would be the last thing you ever say. Ci is my best friend and has been through a lot especially having Stephanie as a mother and you as a grandmother trying to control everything she does. She's going to make mistakes. Fuck we all are, but we're making them together and if you think for one fucking second that Hayden is going anywhere well honey, you have another thing coming cause that ain't happening. Threaten all you want you're not winning, you're weak and that's all you know how to do it manipulate. Just remember we have parents who are pros in the business world so back the fuck off and go find some other sad situation. This conversation is over. Bye."

With that I hung up my phone. I was shaking I was so mad. Dave just sat next to me and didn't touch me. I think he was scared or he really did not know what to do. After a couple minuets of cooling down I laid my head on his shoulder. After a few more minuets I pulled him down next to me and just buried my face in his chest. He was running his fingers through my hair. I knew I had to tell Ci. I grabbed my phone and called her and told her everything. She started to yell and then we started to have a serious conversation. She talked about moving back to New York with her dad. She knew it was going to be hard decision being away from Hayden and me, but I knew she needs to be happy. She wasn't going down without a fight first. She just had to wait for the right time to strike and she knew when she would. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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