Three Little Words

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I had been here for ten months now and I wasn't complaining. I had a gorgeous boyfriend. Brooke, Brit, and Ci. I had recently made friends with her since she moved here four months ago. Her mom worked with my parents and she and Hayden hit it off right away. I had the five best guy friends I could ask for, and I wasn't missing New York. I didn't miss the parties or my old life. Even Nathaniel and I have gotten closer.

Dave and I had been dating for awhile and tomorrow night was our five month. I was surprised we've lasted this long honestly. Between the business dinners he's been roped into going to, my brother being on him about us dating, and the occasional bitch fits that seemed to happen more with the stress from dance and school coming on. He's stayed calm and helped me. I can honestly say that I am in love with this boy.

I had walked in from school to find my mom puffy eyed and crying. Now let's get one thing street my mom is gorgeous and my best friend, but she's tough on me when need. I love her to death and to see her crying breaks my heart. "Mom what's wrong?" I went over and hugged her and she cried on my shoulder. I hate seeing her like this. "Well sweetheart you're going to end up finding out sooner or later but your father and I are getting a divorce, he had an affair with Stephanie from the office." I felt my world collapse my dad left me for Ci and Stephanie. This wasn't changing our friendship what so ever I loved this girl, she technically was like the sister I never had. I wanted to scream but nothing came out. I felt so numb.

About five minuets later Dave and Brandon walked into my house. (Yes they don't knock and they just walk in like it's there house.) My mom had went upstairs for the night and I was on the couch with my knees to my chest. "Adrian what's wrong? Baby girl, don't ignore me." all I did was get up and lock myself in the bathroom, I forgot they were coming over and I wanted to be alone. I felt sick to my stomach. I looked around and saw it staring at me. I felt weak and vulnerable I took the blade in my hand and sank down on my right thigh I slowly drug it across my skin. It felt nice and it was what I needed. It wouldn't happen again after today unless something upset me. I knew it would scar and was another way to remind me of something painful. The three on my left thigh were gone I found a scar cream and used them but I still knew and so did Dave. I watched the blood ooze out. I got a little water and cleaned my leg off and the tile then walked out to my boyfriend. Brandon was gone so we sat and talked and I told him everything. Even the bathroom part I don't hide anything from him anymore he's knows everything about me.

Dave pulled me close and kissed my temple. "Dave, I love you and I don't care if you don't feel the same. I just wanted you to know that you are the only guy that has been through hell and back with me." he pulled me closer which I didn't think was possible and kissed me softly drawing tiny circles on my hips making me shiver. He pulled away and replied "I love you too, and I don't think there are enough words that can describe how I feel about you."

He kept drawing circles on my hips. "I am so sorry that our anniversary is messed up." I felt the tears pouring down my face. I heard the door open and in walked Nathaniel, his knuckles were cut open and he had been at the gym hitting the bag. He was pissed and walked up to his room slamming the door. "Is Taddy having a party tonight?" I wanted out of here. "I'm pretty sure, do you wanna go?" I nodded then walked upstairs to get ready. I told my mom I was going. I walked out of my house in a pair of jean shorts and a cut up Tshirt with a sports bra underneath. I had light makeup on and some gladiators. The girls were gonna be there and I need to just let go and relax.


We arrived outside of the house and I was back in a familiar enviornment. (Taddy had always thrown legendary parties. Taddy plays soccer with the guys and plays drums and isn't to bad with the girls.) Dave and I had walked up the drive and we were soon at door. I opened it to the very familiar smell of alcohol and sweat. I needed a drink a pretty fast. I went into the kitchen and somehow lost Dave. I didn't care at the moment though I wanted to drink and dance my cares away. I had found Ci and walked over to her. She looked like she had seen a ghost as I walked over to her maybe she though that I was going to beat her ass. I honestly couldn't she didn't do anything.

"Hey Adrian." Ci had sounded very shaky. All I did was throw my arms around her and she hugged me back. "You're not mad at me? Why?" she asked. "You didn't do anything Ci, my whore of a father did, and so did you mother you are no blame and I am not letting this mess up our friendship. You are one of my best friends." we talked for a little bit longer then a song that we both knew and loved came on we started dancing. Ci and I had soon found Brit and Brooke and we all were in the middle of the room dancing. Somehow we got into dance formation and started practicing. All eyes were on us and I new that I was very scantaly clad.

A guy from my Biology class came over and put his hands on my hips and I fought my way off of him. Even in my semi drunken state I knew what was happening. I couldn't break free no matter how hard I had tried. He had pulled me off the dance floor and was leading me to the closet. I didn't want to go in it but honestly this guy was strong. I'm pretty sure that he play some type of sport. I kept struggling to break free, when I finally did I have him a leg up and slipped away to find my boyfriend who looked panic because he could not find me. I made my way over to him and I suddenly felt his strong arms around my waist. I felt so sick and I realized that I needed him more than ever.

I led him outside and I felt the cool air against my exposed skin. I started to shiver. I pulled him toward the swing that sat out in the yard and sat on it with him. "Why did you really want to com to here tonight? I know it has to do with your parents but I know you and I know that there is way more then you're letting on." he was right there was more but I wasn't ready to spill yet. I just looked the other way and felt the shivers come more natural I felt my body shaking. I got off to walk to guest house they had because I thought it would be warmer in there. Dave followed and I knew I couldn't avoid his question forever. I grabbed the key from the rock on the side of the porch and unlocked the door and walked in.

I grabbed on of Dave's hoodies that was on the couch. The guys would come and hang out here for a bit to get rid of steam or just to goof around so Taddy's parents wouldn't freak out on them for messing around in the house. I put it on and instantly felt warm. "Are you going to talk to me about it or am I just going to stand here to be ignored all night?" I sat on the couch and pulled my knees to my chest and took a deep breath. "I came here tonight because I wanted to see how Ci was taking and maybe I wanted to fight her, but after I saw her, I knew that wasn't going to change anything and she did nothing wrong. I knew that the more alcohol that I drank would take away the pain to but I then I realized that when I was on the floor dancing with the girls that's what I needed and then I was pulled off and came back to find you scared which made me feel sick to my stomach. It made me feel like shit seeing you like that." he stayed quiet and slowly walked toward me and sat down and pulled me close to him.

"Adriana Jade Archibald I love you more than anything and I honestly wouldn't trade any of this. This is just something were going to get through together. It honestly scared me when I didn't see you because I thought you had gone somewhere and you were trying to hurt yourself. I panicked and thought that maybe you got to overwhelmed and had an anxiety attack somewhere and I couldn't be the one to make it all better. I had a feeling Ci was one a reason that you were here tonight and I'm glad you didn't fight her. Hayden said she has been taking it rough and it wasn't easy for her to come here tonight but he thought it would be good if she was somewhere where she wasn't trapped with her thoughts and her mom. He cares about her more than I have ever seen him care." I felt myself relax as I grabbed the blanket from behind us and we cuddle in comfortable silence. I felt my eyes get really heavy and soon they were closed and I new I was out for the night.

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