40 hours, 2780 miles of new life.

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The apartment was all packed up and I had said by to the few friends that I had. I wouldn't call them best friends but they were friends. Mom said by to some family and so did dad.

There was only one plus side to the whole moving situation. I would be closer to favorite grand parents. They lived in Laguna and I would be happy to see them.

"Ana, this new school has a great dance team and cheer squad. I also checked into it and there is a wonderful art program to. Nate, your in luck too! They have great basketball and football teams!" our mother had chimed in. On Monday Nate and I would be starting a new school and that was not what I wanted.

We had finally arrived. When we walked in to our new house it was all set up according to mom's very strict instructions. Tomorrow was the day Nate and I started school and I could not have been more anxious.

I grabbed my board and headphones when for ride. I had let the music take control when I saw Pacific Vista high school. I was going to be a pirate starting tomorrow because I was going to work my ass off to get on that cheer and dance squad.

I kept riding and due to my clumsy tendencies I crashed into a group of guys. I could not have been more embarrassed. "I am so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going and I.." I could not believe my eyes there he was the most gorgeous guy ever.

I did not know his name or probably ever see him again. He had gotten off the ground and was towering over me on my back. His deep brown eyes looked down at me. "No worries, let me help you up Yorkie." I took his and and it was so soft. "Actually my name is Adrian." I felt a nervous blush creeping up my face. "Well Adrian, I'm Dave. This guy here with major bed head is Brandon. The hipster in the leather jacket is Ben. The little one with the mole is Andy. The tall one is Hayden. and last but not least Brent is the goof." I waved nervously tried not to panic. "Can I ask why you called me Yorkie?" he smirked and my heart about melted. "Well you look like a New York girl and ride like a New York girl so it just clicked." I nodded and realized that I need to to get going.

"Well I need to get going, I have to finish unpacking and getting ready to go there tomorrow. So it was nice meeting you." Dave had mentioned that he'd see me tomorrow. I couldn't help but get a little flutter in my stomach. I got home and grabbed some dinner then headed to bed.

It was 6:30 when my alarm when off and I did not feel like moving from my bed. I got up and showered. I pulled on some jean shorts that came mid thigh with glamour kills tank and cardigan and pulled on some vans I straightened my hair and added a my fedora. I did natural make up and grabbed my board and headed for school.

I had found my locker and put my board and book bag into it. I grabbed my stuff and headed to my first class. I had to do the new girl introduction in every class and by the time I was done I wanted to vomit. It was lunch time I grabbed my bag and looked for a table. I really did not like the whole new girl thing. Nate and I didn't have the same lunch so I was screwed. Just as I was about to head back to my locker two blondes came up to me.

"Hey! You must be Adriana right? My name is Brittney and this is Brooklyn. Dave saw you and said you should come sit with us!" I smiled and took their offer it was better then not eating and sitting alone in the bathroom for the rest of lunch. "Yorkie, boarded into to school this morning did we? You certainly looked better today then yesterday." that smirk was back and so were those butterflies.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Do you guys know where cheer tryouts are?" Brooklyn and Brittney looked in disbelief as if what I said was rude. "Yeah actually we're on the squad Brit here is captain. Why don't you skip tryouts and do it now?" Brooklyn was going to be a friend and so Brittney I could feel it now.

I had landed and triple back handspring and full twisting layout. The group had stared in awe. "I think I just found my new co-captain!" Brittney was so excited and so was I. Dave was smirking and it was sexy as hell.

I had an amazing first day I had made friends, made co-captain, and found out the guy I had found attractive was single. Maybe Laguna Beach wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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