Date Night?

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Dave had picked up and he sounded so sweet. I sunk down on my floor. I did not want to break our date because I was looking foward to being out this guy who I really liked. There was so much to like. The was his hair laid perfect no matter what, even when he woke up that morning and came out of my bathroom shirtless it laid perfect. His smile could make me melt and make me forget that I was a broken girl half of the time. He had brown eyes but everytime I looked into them I looked more into him and slowly found a little more about myself and him. I really liked how safe I felt in his arms and how his kisses could take everything that sucked away. This boy was changing me and I have to admit I'm terrified.

I finally had the courage to speak. "Hey, Dave about that date Friday night, can we reschedule? My mom is making me and Nathaniel go to this stupid business dinner for her and my dad and I can't skip." I spoke so fast I was hoping I wouldn't have to say it again. I heard a pause and my heart slowly broke. I had just stuck the knife into his stomach and twisted. "Of course beautiful, how about Saturday night? I can pick you up after soccer practice and I can have you all to myself." I heard the smirk on his voice and to be honest it was kind of sexy how he said it.

"Well, I can't wait." we said bye and hung up. I changed into some shorts and a sports bra. I crawled in bed and fell asleep fast. I hear my alarm go off way to early for my liking. I pushed it off and walked into my bathroom. I saw it staring at me. That damn hickey I got in the shower did my make up and hair. I grabbed some leggings and a hot pink tank with a black cardigan and white scarf. I needed the hickey to stay unseen. I put on my black booties and grabbed my keys and headed for my car since vans weren't and option today.

I got to school and stepped out of my car. I met Brooke and Brit by the stairs. "We have cheer practice later and we need to work on lifts and we need you to show the girls how to do a proper back tuck." Brooke looked mad but to be honest I couldn't tell. I agreed then headed for my locker. I had grabbed my books out of it then, two nude heels caught my eye. I followed them up to meet a very unhappy black and blue nose and face. It was Savannah and she didn't look mad or like she wanted to beat my ass. "I'm sorry for starting a fight with you, I was just jealous that you had Dave and I thought we had something. The truth is he never looked at me the way he does you. I hope you two are happy together." after she said that she walked away. I was shocked that those words came out of her mouth. I grabbed my stuff and headed for class.

I walked into class and text Brooke and Brit about what happened and they were just as shocked. We we're sitting in our last period when the bell finally rang now I had to head to cheer practice. I pulled on my cheer shorts and sports bra then made my way to the gym. I always worked out in vans. I owned at least six pairs and these ones were white which were only used for cheer. The music had started and the back tucks were ending up great. I was pretty happy with practice. I was getting ready to head back to locker room when I felt two arms around my waist and his voice in my ear. "You looked amazing out there. You looked sexy and confident. I love it." His lips grazed my ear and it sent shivers down my spine. Hearing him call me sexy for the first time when I wasn't trying to be made me feel amazing. He truly meant it. I turned around to face him and instead of replying I kissed him. "Go get changed so I can take you home?" I nodded and grabbed my warm up jacket. I switched flip flops that I always kept in my bag. I walked out and felt a strong arm pull my waist close to him.

"I know I shouldn't be telling you this since we haven't been dating long, but you really did something to me out there when you were dancing. It was the sexiest thing I've seen in a while and I couldn't help myself." he smirked and my face to red. I don't really know how I felt. I felt anxious when I walked out to my car and saw my parents standing there dressed up. I forgot it was Friday. I needed a shower and quick. I felt like the world started spinning and I didn't know what to I dug my nails into Dave's side and he looked down. He knew what I was feeling and he knew how to react to it since its happened a few times during class. I was having an anxiety attack and there was nothing I could do to stop from running, crying, or possibly fainting from my levels right now.

My moms eyes grew wide and so did Nate's they new what was about to happen my dad pulled me from Dave and got me in the car. I wanted to scream and cry. I wanted him, he did everything so well I need him during this. My parents blocked him. I yelled for them to move and he stepped in. I locked eyes with him and I felt it all disappear. He was my way of coping and feeling normal. This guy was my savior and I didn't know it until now.

I felt so much better. I felt my breath come back and I felt a strong hand on my waist. This felt nice, I didn't feel like I had to hide anything from him. Dave made it all disappear. "Ana, are you alright?" I heard my dad and Dave's hand left my waist. "I'm fine dad. Thanks." they were all staring at Dave and to be honest this isn't how I wanted them to meet. I was just about to introduce them when my dad took Dave's hand shook it. He kept repeating thank you. Dave just smiled and said it was no problem. "Adrian you don't have to be there until seven so go home and change and meet us there and bring him with you." my mom was pointing at Dave. "Mom he has a name and it's Dave." she smiled and hugged him and told him how much of a pleasure it was to meet him.
She could be so embarrassing sometimes.

Dave and I got in my car and headed for his house. "What am I suppose to wear? I don't do formal in case you haven't seen." he looked so cute I took his hand and just massaged my thumb over his hand. "Just a nice dress shirt and pants and shoes. I have a bow tie if you want that." he pecked my cheek and showed me his house. It was a little smaller than mine but it was nice. He was out in fave minuets he agreed to get ready at my house since I needed to shower and get ready we only had an hour and half to get ready and that wasn't enough time.

I got home and rushed up stairs getting in the shower as fast as I could. I'm pretty sure it was the fastest shower I had ever taken. I threw my hair up in a towel and got my undergarments on. I found the elegant red dress my mom left out. I slipped it on and left knee came out in the dress. I really hate these kind of dressed because I feel like the whole thing is going to rip. I put on some light nude make up and scrunched my hair. I looked nice to say the least I grabbed the red bow tie from Nathaniel's room and headed for the stairs. I went to cabinet underneath the stairs to grab my black heels. I saw Dave and he looked attractive. His hair was laying like it does and had made his black vans work with it. I handed him the tie. After he was finished he grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear. "If you didn't just spend all that time getting ready and this dinner wasn't so important to your parents, that dress would be off right now." I said nothing and headed for the door I could feel that smirk on my back.

We got in and headed for Mahall's. We arrived a half hour later and we were surprisingly on time. We
got out and went and sat with my parents. My dad was discussing the business when I felt a warm hand on my knee. Dave was drawing circles slowly moving up. He reached my mid thigh with his circles before I had to excuse myself. I went to the bathroom and pulled out my phone. I sent a text to the girls and didn't get a reply. Then I remembered that it was date night and they were most likely busy. I went back and sat down again. Dave looked so enticed. This time my hand went to his knee and I felt him jump slightly. He doesn't know who he's messing with when it comes to this. I was worse then what he just did. I slowly let my hand travel until I met his belt. I slid the loop out and got his pants unbuttoned I moved my hand away and he knew he was trapped. I sent a smile his was and in return I got a slight glare. He nonchalantly fixed himself.

It was dinner time and we were eating some sort of chicken I couldn't really focus on my dinner. My mind kept going back to what Dave had said in my house. Dinner was over and so was the closing of deal my dad got. We left to go home. I reached Dave's house and dropped him off, before he got out he leaned over and kissed me, but it wasn't like any other kisses we had shared this one was passionate and it felt amazing with want of each other. He pulled away. "Tonight was really nice. Your family is really something. I wouldn't mind doing it again. Goodnight Adri." he smiled and waved.
This boy was making me melt more and more and I liked it.

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