Long Talks and Walks

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"We need to talk" was all she said. I felt my heart sink I patted my bed and grabbed a blanket for her she was shaking and she was freezing. "Hayden's at practice and the only other one that knows what I'm going through is you. My mom is a bitch and can't stand Hayden. She's now turned you dad against all of them. I was talking to my mom and he didn't like my tone so he smacked me across the face and I can't tell Hayden because he would freak out and possibly fight him. My dad is coming up this weekend and knows and wants me to stay with him and then is talking about taking me to New York with him to live but I'm not leaving you or Hayden." She started crying harder. I heard footsteps outside of my door and in came Nathaniel.

He is such a good brother he just came in let Ci cry handing her tissues now and again. He liked Ci as but not how you think. He loved her like she was his sister. He made it clear to Hayden that if he hurt her he was dead. After Ci was done he made sure she was alright and went to get us Chinese food he understood break food and we were sure that this would cure what we had well maybe.

It had been an hour since Nate left and we were kind of hungry. My mom's boss Nick Anderson was over and they were having dinner and going over some important things about the company. I walked down stairs and went to the kitchen. "Hey mom, I don't mean to interrupt but do you know where Nate went? He was suppose to bring me and Ci food but he's been gone for over an hour." Nick was good looking there was no denying that. "He should be back soon he just called me and said that he was on his way back and he an extra something for the two of you. You can tell Ci that she is more than welcome to stay here tonight too if she would like too." she was actually happy tonight. "Thanks mom, and nice to see you again, Nick." I saw shock on his face when I said his name.

I walked back up stairs to find Hayden and Dave in my room with food for me and Ci. "So Nick is sitting in my kitchen and he is really cute and by the look on my mothers face she isn't unhappy about that. I mean she's told me about him and I saw him once but now I see why she has a smile." Dave just shook his head and gave me my food. "Thank you for bringing us food we were starving." We sat on my floor and enjoyed our Chinese. I told Ci she could stay but she wanted time with Hayden and I didn't blame her. He was crazy about her. When they left it was Dave and I. I was a little scared to be alone with him because of how hot things have gotten between last night and today.

I got up to answer my phone and it was my father. "Ana, I know you're mad at me but I want you to come over tomorrow so we can talk about this." I was pissed he was calling but he was my dad and as much of a dick that he was I couldn't help but say yes. I hung up and went to my closet to find something to wear for tomorrow. I found something presentable since my dad had explained that Stephanie's mom would be there and that I already had a room with some stuff in it. I had also found something to wear for my date with Dave after.

I turned to put it in my bag when I felt his arms pull me towards him I felt my back against the cool wall and I felt my heartbeat quicken. He scent was amazing he smelled like a fresh shower and Armani. My breath hitched as our lips met and his hands began to roughly grab my bottom. I pulled him closer by the top of skinny jeans and I could feel how bad he wanted me right then. He let out a groan of frustration and pulled away. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I just nodded and he left I crawled in bed with the thoughts of today and fell asleep.

I hear my alarm go off I got up and I got ready for my meeting with my father. I took a shower and got dressed in some black skinny jeans, a reckless tank top and a flannel. I put on my diamond co. hat backwards and grabbed my vans and my bag for tonight. I grabbed my board and made my way to hell. It was a nice day and even nicer ride. I had reached Stephanie's house. I walked in and my dad showed me my room it was a pale purple with an out look over the ocean just like my room at home. I dropped my bag off then went down stairs to meet the devil herself, Stephanie's mother Claudette.

She gave me a once over and I could already tell that she hated the way that I was dressed and I did not care. I wasn't dressing for a business dinner, she was lucky that I showed up at all. "Dad, Dave will be here at six, and don't you dare even say anything bad about him because you know how he is. I forgot to mention before you go on about how you hate the guys. Dave was there the other night he helped me get through it. He is the reason that I'm here willing to talk to you." he stayed quiet and I got a smile a genuine smile. He stayed quiet while Claudette spoke.

"So you're the daughter I have heard so much about. Maybe you can tell Ci to keep her hair one color and not dress like a homeless man. Also could you get her to break up with horrible boy with the tattoos, he doesn't fit her life. She needs someone in business." I lost it right after she said that. She basically told me about myself minutes the colored hair. I'm a natural blonde and I don't plan on ruining that anytime soon. "Listen here Claudette." I emphasized her name. "I'm not breaking Ci and Hayden up so let's get that straight. Hayden is really good for her. If none of you have noticed he's the reason her grades and attendance have gotten better, and all the work she's put into the dance team is because of him so don't you dare bring him into this. I'm willing to give this all a shot with the two house hold thing but you're not moving Ci with her dad and I will date who I want. Is this clear?" everybody was shocked and that's when I heard my dad defend the guys. I hugged him and went to get ready for my date it was four o'clock and I wasn't missing this.

Two hours later I was ready and waiting for him. I had on a sundress with a light cardigan and some gladiators my hair was in a stylish bun and my make up was light. We were going on his families boat and I was ready. He picked me up and we were gone. We arrived at the boat shortly after and he took us out to the middle of the harbor. "I hope you're hungry I made pasta." I blushed and sat down. We ate and then started talking. "Thank you for brining me out here it's beautiful and quiet."

I felt his arms around my waist and I didn't care. He spun me around and kissed me softly. He bit my bottom lip and I felt my feet leave the ground he had his hands on my butt. He took me into a room with a bed and I felt the silkiness of the bed spread underneath me. He kissed me rougher and I felt his hand go under my dress for a better grasp on my ass. He grabbed it had and I felt a soft smack. He slowly made his way down the front of my dress and before I knew it, my dress was gone. He reached in the drawer next to the bed and pulled out a condom. I pulled him down to kiss him and got his shirt off. I felt myself getting drunk on his scent. He pulled off his pants and slip it on. "Are you sure you want this?" I nodded and that was it. He was gentle inside me but rough on my skin. He bit my collar bones and hips. He was amazing over an hour later he finished. He pulled me close and all I could think of was him. He was so perfect and all mine. I wasn't his one night stand I was his.

We laid there in silence with my head on his chest. I drifted off to sleep from the sound of his heartbeat. I felt him drawing tiny circles on my hips and that was last thing I remember before I was completely asleep.

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