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I had gotten into the locker room and not soon after Brooke and Britt walked in. "Hey, so you know how Savannah has an obsession with Dave? Well she has cornered me twice now once by herself and the second with her two copycat twins." Brooke and Britt just stared at each other ."We were afraid that this would happen. You do realize that she isn't going to stop until she gets him back right?" I wasn't shocked she was a little clingy. You think the girl would of got the hint after he never called or talked to her willingly after their one night stand.

Yes I know my boyfriend has a one night stand and it's not like it's a big surprise the boy is kind of a big deal around here. I'm no saint either and he knows that I'm not a virgin, but that doesn't mean that when and if we make it that long and have sex I don't want it to be special. "I'm not backing down. I'm not afraid of her and I made that very clear. It's not my fault she was a one night stand, she new what she was getting into. If she thinks that she can scare me has another thing coming I had an ex who was scarier then her." It was true. "Wait, Adrian rewind and freeze. What the hell do you even mean." Brittnay looked shocked as hell.

"Well, I dated a guy back in New York and let's just say he was the biggest mistake ever. His name was Carson, he was a football player cliche I know but I thought I loved him. He hit me one time and one time only and that was becauseI punched him right in the mouth after he did and I drew blood. Nate never knew that he hit me at all. I was cheated on for four months and found out it was my best friend Tiffany. I didn't leave my room for weeks and I gave my self a nice scar on my thigh from him. It relieved the pain of him and after that I was good until a couple days after I gave myself two more when Nate and I got into a fight about it. After that I stopped I've been clean for six years and haven't felt the urge to anymore. I'm not really afraid of confrontation for something I care about and Dave knows the whole thing and knows I regret the scars on my leg after our long conversation the other night I finally realized I regret all three." They both just stared with shock. I didn't blame them though Nate did the same when I finally told about it.

Britt and Brooke just hugged me "You are so much stronger then I already thought you were. I am so glad to call you my best friend. I love you Adriana." Britt got a little sentimental on me. "Adrian you're not go anywhere for a long time, because if you do I'm losing a best friend." Brooke got a little teary eyed. After having girl time in the locker room it was time to practice. My arms and thighs hurt so bad from all the lifts and jumps that I did. I was looking forward to detention.

The final bell rang and I was off to detention. I grabbed the stuff I needed and shut my locker to my surprise Dave was by his with Andy and Brandon. "Hey Yorkie, seems you can't stay out of trouble. Lucky for you we have soccer practice today so I get walk you home after." I stuck my tongue out at him. The guys laughed. "Savannah kind of came up to me today and she kind of warned me to stay away from you. Luckily for you, I'm not going anywhere. She did not like it when I told her that so I called her out in front of her copycat twins and she seemed to get more mad so I might be in detention for a couple days." all I could do was smile. "Adrian, please don't do something stupid." I like how he doesn't trust me, smart boy. "Hey, if she swings first I'm not responsible for happens next. Unlike her, I'm not afraid to break a nail." the guys thought it was funny. Dave walked me to detention and kissed me before he left.

Detention seemed to fly by it was done before I knew it. I was waiting by the soccer field when Savannah came up to me. "Obviously you haven't believed me when I told you to back off so I'm gonna show you." her hand grabbed for my hair and it was on. She had me in a head lock stared to hit my face. I grabbed her waist, through a left hook i io her side, then got her down. I made a nice right hook to her face because I heard a crack and saw her nose bleed. I felt someone pulling me back and I wasn't letting go that easy. I gave a left hook to her cheek and that's when I felt two boys pull me away. Dave and Brandon had me while Andy grabbed Savannah. I got away with a bruised cheek and sore head. Savannah walked away with a broken nose and a bruised rib and very bruised cheek.

They finally let go of me when she was out of sight. I grabbed my board and head for home. I didn't feel like getting a lecture or yelled at. All three of them finally caught up with me. Dave grabbed my waist and took my board, he placed it next to his. "What you did back there was something I will never forget. I will never mess with you ever. Just promise me one thing, don't break anymore noses." I laughed and kissed him I saw blood when I pulled back. I reached for my lip and it was bleeding. Dave pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket and handed to me. I pressed it to my lip. Brandon and Andy drove home so it was just Dave and me.

"I'm sorry for giving you blood mouth." I was feeling sick to my stomach for that one.

"Don't worry about it beautiful. It happens. I'm just glad I was here to help." damn him and that smile. Sometimes I just was smack him because he has no idea how gorgeous his smile is. "It's still gross. By the way your passing is weak and you wear to many clothes when you practice." hey I like to look at him half naked. His tattoos are sexy and he's pretty toned. "What would you know about soccer? Don't you just cheer? and I'm sorry I can't just play naked taking a ball to my balls is not something I'd enjoy." Boys can be so dumb sometimes. "No I don't just cheer Nate plays soccer and I happen to like it. We play in my backyard. All you need is more confidence when you pass, you're too sure of it. Just pass and don't give a fuck. That's what Nate has always told me and it works I score 90% of the time." all he did was smile. "Well then maybe we can one on one each other sometime." this boy was too cute "If this is your way of asking me on a date..." he stopped and pulled me close. "I want a date with you Friday night at 6." I felt a blush coming on.

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, he pulled me closer and my hands went to his hair. He slowly slipped his tongue in my mouth asking for and entrance I let him in. I felt his lips leave my mouth and I felt his breath on my neck he pulled away after a short second and I felt a damp spot on my neck. I saw that smirk and it meant one thing. That jackass gave me a hickey. I pulled mirror out of my backpack and looked at my neck. There it was fresh and plain as day. "I cannot believe you." I gave him gentle push. He took my hand and we kept walking we both went out sperate ways. I went up to my room to figure out how to cover it. I pulled a hoodie on for the time being. My mom came in and she had news. "Adriana, Friday night we are having a business dinner at Mahall's. Your father and I would like you and Nathaniel to be there. Please wear something nice it starts at seven and we can not be late." I am so screwed. "Mom I have a date Friday night." she just shook her head. "You're going to have to cancel. You need to be here your father could sign a deal sweetheart and you know these are important to us." why does she always play the pity card on me. "Fine, I'll reschedule." She hugged me and kissed my cheek. As she walked out, I grabbed my phone and called Dave because I though texting would be rude.

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