Dreams Only Last For Tonight

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"Would you maybe want to stay tonight and just lay here with me?" I was terrified and nervous and I started to feel anxious again but I couldn't let it show. I was waiting for a reply which seemed to take forever. I saw him reach for the back of his neck "Adriana just to be clear we're laying here just as two people who enjoy each other's company."

A wave of relief had washed over me. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of Nate's sweats. "Here you can put these on if you like. They're my brothers and I figured they would be more comfortable than jeans." he took them then went into my bathroom to change. I had taken my hoodie off and pulled on my sports bra when I heard my bathroom door open. I was reaching for my hoodie when I heard him. "I am so sorry I didn't know you were changing. I promise I didn't look." I wasn't really that self conscious about my body to be honest I have curves and I'm okay with that. "You're fine really, it's not like you had to knock when leaving my bathroom." we both laughed at that. "Well I'm not gonna lie I was checking you out and you are defiantly the best looking girl I have ever slept with." I felt my cheeks get hot.

We crawled into my bed and I felt two arms pull me close. My face wasn't that far from his. "You are so beautiful and really like the lilly tattoos on your hips and the little dermals on them. Do you have any others?" I sat up and since it was dark I pulled up my bra and told him to shine a light on it. Under my breast I had "take a breath and let the rest come easy" tattooed. "You should consider yourself lucky because only one other person has seen it. That person was a huge mistake."

We spent the next couple hours talking about everything and anything it was nice. We cuddled and for the first time in a very long time I felt safe. We must of fallen asleep because before I knew it my alarm was going off. I picked my head up off Dave's chest and turned my alarm off. I heard him give a sexy morning groan. "You can shower here if you want." I got in after he did and when I walked out he had kindly walked back in to brush his teeth. I had a drawer full of tooth brushes and gave him one. I had gotten ready and was pulling on my vans when he walked out he was shirtless and he had a really nice body.

I threw him a hoodie and surprisingly it fit pretty good. Nate had gotten a ride with some friends and my mom and dad were already at work so that meant Dave could get by without anyone noticing he had stayed last night. I grabbed an apple and some water and headed for my board. Dave and I boarded to school. When we got there he gabbed my hand and we walked in.

Andy was waiting by Dave's locker just as I was about to leave him he kissed my cheeked. I had walked to my locker and put my board in. Brittnay had stopped by my locker. "So why is everyone talking about you and Dave holding hands walking into school today." She had the biggest smile on her face. "Grab Brooke and meet me in the courtyard during first period." we both went to find Brooke. Brooke was by here locker. All three of us had a free period as our first class. "So spill about the whole Dave thing now!" they both spoke a the same time. I told him how he just showed up last night and how he stayed. "It wasn't slutty was it? I feel like it was asking him to stay last night." I was having second thoughts.
"No it wasn't. It's actually cute Brandon and I do it sometimes and it's just nice." I did not know that Brooke liked Brandon. "So you like Brandon?" hey a girl's curious. "No, I don't like Brandon. I love Brandon. We've been dating for six and half months. Most girls here hate me because of it, he wasn't always the romantic he his. Let's just say Brandon had most of the girls here, I guess I was just a bitch and he liked that I didn't give in like all the rest. He liked having to fight for me." Brooke and I high fived after she told me.

"Andy is a totally different story on the other hand. Andy liked me and I didn't like him. He made cute gestures all the time. I was a total bitch to him and I can't see why he's been with me for five months. It was one date that changed how I felt and we've been pretty much inseparable ever since." I was shocked. "Why did you two never tell me this before?" I was still in shock. "Well we didn't know if it would affect anything so we kept it hushed until something happened." Britt was always so sweet.

I was getting ready to go to my locker to get stuff for my next class when I crashed into a hard body. "Why do we keep doing this?" we both laughed and he helped me. I felt his soft lips take over and all I heard was two in sync awh's I turned around and stuck my tongue out at my two best friends. I grabbed Dave's hand but he held me still "Will you be my girlfriend? I know there so much more to find out and I don't care but I can't control how I feel and." I put my finger to his lips "Will you shut up so I can say Yes." he picked me up and spun me and I was happy to be back on my feet. With this boy by my side I knew that I was in for a ride and I was ready.

By the time third period had rolled around I had gotten over 36 glares all from girls that were previously associated with Dave. I was on my way to my next class when my locker door slammed shut. Next to it was a girl who was in a pink mini skirt, pink tank top and a white shirt over it. Her make-up was caked on and you could tell she was a fake blonde. "Listen here you little slut, Dave defiantly does not go for girls like you so back off." This bitch did not know who she was messing with. "If you're trying to intimidate me it isn't working. I don't know nor do I care who you are so leave me the fuck alone and complain to someone who cares." apparently that set her off because she knocked the books out of my hand and walked away. My papers slid down the hallway and I wasn't going to get them back without a few footprints. I had just finished grabbing my stuff when the bell rang. You would think people would be a little more considerate and hand you stuff but no that's too easy.

I was late to class and of course everyone had to stare. It made me really uncomfortable and I started to panic. It only got worse when Mrs. Filtch asked me why I was late then gave me a detention. I made my way to my seat and finally took a breath. Free period was almost here and I needed to get to the gym for practice. I grabbed my cheer bag out of my locker and made my way to the gym. Just as I was about to reach for the door a manicured hand smacked it closed. This time the blonde bitch had to two girls with her. "Just in case I wasn't clear earlier. I'm Savannah. Dave's girlfriend, back the fuck off before I make you back off." this bitch has got to be kidding me. The girls warned me about her and not it was my time to go face to face with her. "Oh I will defiantly get right on that. I'm not afraid of you or your little followers. Just because you brought them with you this time doesn't make me afraid, it basically shows me that you're a coward. You can't fight your own battles so the move out of my way unlike you I have class." and with that I pushed passed them and made my way to the gym. I had to tell Brooke and Britt about Savannah.

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