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This is a Hetalia story. I don't own Hetalia. But I hope you all enjoy.

(Heracles' Pov)

It was just another boring meeting. I dozed off once the other countries started talking about this and that and blah blah blah. I could still here them yelling at each other. It made me wish I was with my cats instead of here. Of course the meeting was being held in America. Everybody loved that... Que the sarcasm.

"I'm the hero of course!" Crash.

"You git would you please just shut up!" Arthur yelled at Alfred.

"Just another meeting we won't get done..." Francis grumbled.

"Quiet frog!"

'Do they ever stop fighting...? Then again they do remind me of that idiot...'

"This meeting vill get no vhere if you don't stop!" Ludwig yelled at them. Alfred just laughed. Francis and Arthur were fighting. Normal just normal. And just like that the meeting was over.

"Wake up." I slowly started to open my eyes then I felt the pain in my head. Looking up I saw Sadiq staring down at me.

"What the hell?" I glared up at him. He only laughed and walked away.

"Meetings over dumbass." He left before I could say anything else. I stood and stormed out. I hate him so much.

(Allie's Pov)

"Blitz. Stripes I'm back." I heard two little meows and then two kittens ran to me. I took a bite out of the loaf of bread before giving it to them. "Be nice and share okay." Another meow and then it was all gone.

"You know you really should save all the food for yourself little girl. Forget about the cats." I gasped and looked down the alleyway. It was that man again. Some weird guy who had started to follow me around everywhere. I heard Blitz hiss and Stripes whimper. I picked them both up and turned running down the other way. I heard his footsteps behind me.

"Come on do you really think you can out run me?" He laughed and I ran faster. He was right about one thing. Not eating really made everything much more difficult. My body felt weak and running didn't help. I was already breathing heavy and I hadn't even gone far. 'Someone... Anyone please help me!' I made it out of the alleyway but I ran into someone. I didn't look up at first in fear that t was the scary man from before.

"Are you okay?" A tired voice asked me. Blitz and Stripes jumped out of my arms. I looked up to see a brown haired man with green eyes. I just stared and he looked at me. "I asked if you were okay." I looked back down the alley and the scary man was gone.

"I'm okay..." It depends on the way you want okay. I'm a little girl of only seven left alone in the world. I'm wearing the same clothing I was thrown out in and I haven't been able to take a really bath in a bathtub either. My hair is a mess and I'm so tried and hungry.

"I see you like cats."

"Huh? Oh yea.." He was holding Stripes while Blitz rubbed against his legs.

"I do to do they have names?" I don't know why he is talking to me but it kinda makes me happy.

"Blitz is the girl and her little brother Stripes who you are holding." I gave a little smile.

"And you. Do you have a name?" He looked back at me.

"I'm Allie..." I looked down at my feet. I wasn't going to cry. Not in front of this stranger who was talking to me.

"I'm Heracles..." He paused for a moment. "Where is your family?"

"I-I don't really know... They left me here..." He looked around.

"On the street?" I could only nodded.

(Heracles' Pov)

On the street and she was just left here. I can tell she must have been here for a long time. She looks as though she hasn't eaten in days.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"I had a piece of beard a minute ago..."

"A piece?"

"Yea I gave the rest to them two." She pointed at the cats. "But this guy... He's been following me and well.... We ran and left it behind..." I looked behind here and didn't see anyone. Must have wanted her food. I sighed and held out my hand.

"Come on." She just stared at me and I also noticed she flinched a little. "I'm not going to hurt you I'm going to get you something to eat." She looked at the cats.

"Them too?" I smiled at her.

"Yes we will get them something to." She took my hand and we walked to a small little café next to the hotel I was staying at. I got milk for the cats and food for Allie. I made sure she didn't eat it to fast so she wouldn't get sick.

"Thank you for the food mister." The two kittens had fallen asleep and she looked ready to pass out herself.

"Your welcome." She stood from the table gently taking each kitten.

"I think I will be off now." I couldn't let her just go like that.

"Wait!" She looked at me. "Why don't you stay with me tonight in case that scary man is still where you normally sleep."

"I couldn't.. You've already helped me so much and I don't want to be a burden to you like I was mommy."

"It wouldn't be a burden at all. Beside I would like the company." She thought about it for the longest time.

"Okay..." I nodded and motioned for her to follow me.

I opened the door to my hotel room and let her in. I closed the door and watched her look around.

"Are those the only clothes you own?" She nodded. I walked over to the closet and pulled out a baggy t-shirt. "Here you go." I handed it to her and she just stared. I pointed toward the bathroom. "I'll run you a bath."

"Thank you..." He stood up and entered the bathroom.

(Allie's Pov)

I stood there staring at the shirt. The kittens were comfy on the sofa. When he returned I went in. Having a real bath for the first time in months felt wonderful. Before I just used the sinks in the public bathrooms but now. I washed up and put the t-shirt on. It was so big on me it was more like a dress. I looked at my dirty worn out clothes. I walked out to see Heracles watching TV.

"Done?" I nodded. He smiled. "You and your kittens can have the bed. I'll sleep on the sofa."

"But it's your bed..." 'Why? He is being so nice but why?'

"Just take it. Go on I can tell you are about to fall asleep." He helped me take Blitz and Stripes into the bedroom. I jumped onto the bed and he placed them beside me.

"Sleep well little one." He shut the door and it was quiet. My eyes got very heavy to the point I couldn't even hold them open. Then it all went black.

(Heracles' Pov)

I shut the door and slide down it. I think I'm an idiot but what else could I have done left her out there for some weirdo to get. I'll just take care of her for the time being. I stood and made my way to the sofa. For the longest time I just stared at the ceiling. But we had another meeting planned for tomorrow. Of course I fell asleep quickly.

Chapter one will be out soon.

Falling in Love with Daddy's Enemy (A Turkey Love Story): HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now