Chapter 8 Living with Sadiq

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Allie's Pov

Sadiq has been extremely kind. Not at all what I had expected from him. He did kidnap me after all. He brings me my food seeing as I refuse to leave my so called room. Well I do only to take Blitz and Stripes out. Sadiq says he is going to meet with my papa soon. What does he have against papa anyway. A quite meow snaps me out of my thoughts. Smiling I looked over to see Stripes looking up at me. A look of worry on his cute little face.

"What's wrong boy?" I ask picking him up cradling him to my chest. He nuzzles his head against my chest. A soft purr rumbling from his throat. I couldn't help but giggle at his antics. "You just wanted attention." Another purr was my answer. Blitz stumbled to move over to us. She pawed at my leg not wanting to be left out.

"Ok.." I leaned over lifting her holding on to each cat in both arms. "My little attention hoggers." I giggled as both cats nuzzled into me. They stopped when there was a knock at the door. "I've brought you and your cats lunch." Sadiq's voice said from the other side.

Slowly I slipped from the bed and walked to the door. I opened it enough to take the food tray from his arms. Before I could close the door he put his foot in the way. I looked up at his masked face a brow raised in question. "How are you all doing?" He asked almost sounding like he cared.

"Leaving the door open so he could enter I moved to set the tray on the vanity. "We are fine for the most part." I told him crossing my arms. Blitz hissed at him from the bed while Stripes just sat there looking at him. "so..." He seemed hesitant. "Spit it out." I told him glaring slightly.

"I go see your so called father today." My glare dropped. "Can I go?" I asked hopeful."No." At this I pouted. "Why not?" "Cause I said so." HE moved to the door. "When your done eating set the tray outside the door. You are free to roam outside but you will be watched." With that he shut the door leaving me.

I looked at the tray sitting on the vanity. I took the bowel of milk and sat it so Blitz and Stripes could get to it. After doing that I returned to the tray to eat a little of the food for me. What on earth could he need to talk to papa about? Why had he kidnapped me? When would I be allowed to return home? All these questions ran through my mind like a speeding bullet.

Sadiq's Pov

I made my way to Greece's house. I told him that I knew where his daughter was and he demanded that I come to his house. With a smirk I knocked on the door once there. Greece opened the door glaring angry at me. "Hello old friend." I said stepping inside.

"Cut the crap where is she?" Greece asked for once he was seething with pure rage. I'd seen him angry but never like this. "She's safe." I assured him. "Return her home." He demanded. "Oh I will but first you have to repay me all the money you owe me." I told him a smug look on my face. "What!?" Greece asked face paling. "You know exactly what I'm talking about and until I have all the money you owe me I'm keeping her just to make sure you do."

Greece growled and moved to punch me but someone stopped him. "Punching him wont get her back." Japan spoke holding on to Greece's clenched fist. Where the hell did he come from. "But..." "We will comply just see to it that Allie is returned to us unharmed." Japan cut Greece off. With a nod I started for the door. "You have my word." I left the house.

Heracles' Pov

"What the hell?" I growled at Japan. "Calm down." "Calm down. How the hell can I calm down knowing he has my little girl." I said glaring. "I'm going to help you get her back." Japan said patting my back. "It will take years to pay him all the money I owe him." I moved away and pressed my back against the wall. I slide down I put my hands to my face. I felt Japan sit beside me. "I promise we will get her back."

Allie's Pov

It was nice outside. I stood with Blitz and Stripes in the backyard. It was calm. A little ways from the house was a large tree. I moved over to it taking a seat under it. It was big enough to shade me from the sun. Leaning back I closed my eyes falling asleep. "Allie..." I don't know how long I'd been asleep but when I opened my eyes there in front of me was Sadiq. The sun was setting off in the distance.

"Your back..." I mumbled rubbing my eyes. Blitz was laying beside me while Stripes was laid out in my lap. "Yea I've been looking for you since I returned." He said.I wasn't prepared for what he did next. With ease he scooped Blitz up and sat beside me. Blitz hissed trying to free herself but stopped when he began to rub behind her ears. She purred at that. We sat there in silence for a long time.

"You are going to stay with me a while longer." He said breaking the peaceful quite. "Why?" I asked with a sigh. "That's not important..." He paused looking down. Stripes was rubbing against his leg. "He likes you..." I couldn't stop the smile appearing on my face. "Yea... Guess he does." We sat in silence again. I don't remember when but at some point fell asleep again leaning against Sadiq's shoulder.

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