Chapter 6 Masked Man

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Allie's Pov

Laying under mine and papa's favorite tree I stared up into the great blue cloudless sky. Blitz and Stripes lay sleeping beside me soft purring noises escape from their slumbering forms. I can't help but smile as I think of everything I've been through them. Ten years have past and its easy to tell that I am no longer a little girl nor are they kittens. We have grown so much. Papa still lets us go with him to his World Meetings and I have made so many friends. Like papa once said I would understand and now I do. Japan is still the second person I am closet too. He helped papa raise me. America and England are my friends, well America treats me like I'm his little sister and as for England he well... Hmmm well he is England bad cooking and all. Never say that to his face or he is upset all day. I also meet Russia who calls me his little sunflower and his little sister Belarus hates me for it. But she sometimes is very nice when I compliant her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Papa's voice rings out knocking me from my thoughts.

"Its okay you've been busy and I understand." I smiled as he laid beside me. When we get the chance we still lay here together until he falls asleep.

"You've grown up so much...." He mumbled under his breathe. Reaching over he petted my head.

"Yea but i'm always going to be your little girl." I said in a sing song voice. He chuckled at that.

"Yes that you will be." We sat in silence for awhile after that. "Allie well you go to the market today the cats are out of milk."

"Just me?" I asked noting getting my hopes up.

"Well you are 18 now so I don't see why you can't go to the market by yourself." He said as the grin on my face grew wider.

"Yay!" I cheered. Papa never let me go alone but now is my chance to prove just how grown up i am. "Alright papa I'll go and be home before you know it." I hoped up waking Blitz and Stripes.

"Just be careful and no talking to strangers." He said a look of worry all over his face. "Go there and come straight home." I nodded before skipping off.

Sadiq's Pov

That stupid Greek what the hell has he been up to? He never avoids me and now when I see him and he sees me he walks off. I have no one else to fight with and now its so boring. I'll teach him. I'll go visit him and make some conflict on my own. Well that was the plan till I arrived. Low and behold what do I find. A girl by his side. When did he get a girlfriend? Was she the reason he was avoiding me? I'll get to the bottom of this.

Allie's Pov

I smiled as I looked around the market place. I'd been here multiple times with papa and knew where to go. Lots of people were out and about in the market today. I sighed happily as I walked around just enjoying myself. That is until I walked right into someone and fell right on my butt.

"Sorry.." I said looking up to see a man I'd never seen before. His eyes were hidden behind a mask but his face held a frown.

"You should pay more attention to where you are going then you wouldn't bump into people." He growled none to kindly. I blinked for a second not believing what I just heard.

"Excuse me? How rude even after I said I was sorry." I huffed standing up glaring at this stranger. Then it hit me papa's words sounded in my head, 'Don't talk to strangers.'  On that note I turned and began to walk away.

"And where the hell are you going?" He asked grabbing my arm forcing me to stop glaring up at him once more.

"Let me go." I said sternly. He just chuckled his grip not loosening.

"What's a girl like you doing with the lazy cat loving idiot like Greece...?" He mumbled under his breathe. I don't think he realized he said it loud enough for me to hear but he did notice my knee connected with his crotch. With a groan he fell to his knees releasing my arm in the process.

"Jerk!" I yelled before running away. I stopped when I thought I was in the clear. I panted trying to catch my breathe as I looked around. Good no sign of that werid man. Once I caught my breathe I bought some milk and hurried home. Thankfully I didn't run into that man again.

Sadiq's Pov

"That little..." I growled and stood up slowly the pain between my legs not as bad. Everyone around me was still going on about their day. And that girl she was gone. "Dammit." I groaned under my breathe. With a sigh I headed back home but I'm not giving up on finding out who she is. By the way it looks they care about each other so if something happens to her it would hurt the Greek. I smiled as I thought of a new plan.

Heracules' Pov

Allie returned home but she seemed a little pissed off. She fed Blitz and Stripes before walking off to her room. She didn't even say hello when she came in. So that is why I am standing outside her door trying to talk to her.

"Allie?" I waited but she didn't reply. Something happened I knew it was a bad idea to let her go. "Allie are you okay did you get hurt? Did someone mess with you?" I questioned. I heard her sigh before she opened the door. I walked in and sat beside her. "What happened?"

"Some people are just rude that is all." She said shaking her head. I gave her a questioning look. "I bumped into a guy and apologized and he was very rude." She told me.

"Oh well... Yes people can be rude and mean but that is just life. You learn that there are people you can't stand 'like that Turkish dimwit' and those you love with all your heart 'like you'." I told her smiling. She smiled back before the moment was ruined by Stripes. He hoped onto the bed right between us. We laughed a bit at him as he just stared.

"Thank you papa you sure know how to make me feel better." Allie said hugging me. I leaned forward placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Anytime sweetheart."

Falling in Love with Daddy's Enemy (A Turkey Love Story): HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now