Chapter 3 Found

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(Allie's Pov)

It was quite. I think I've been here for seven days now maybe ten. I don't know for sure. I do know that the man... Vincent he.... He isn't a good man. He comes in the metal door sometimes covered in blood. I hear screaming coming from the other side. I think he is hurting other kids. Once I asked him why he doesn't hurt me. He just looked at me and smiled. His smile creeps me out.

"Because." He had said to me. "Your beauty reminds me of someone... I used to know."  What had he meant by that. It had confused me. What confuses me more is what he does on the other side of the metal door. I could run... It's not like he has me chained to the wall... So why? Why don't I just run? Maybe it's because I'm so scared of the man who is keeping me here.... Then again it could be because I hurt my leg really bad when I tried to run a few days ago... I had almost made it out.


The metal door opened and Vincent walked in. He smelled like my mother used too. That weird smell on his breath. He was talking weird and not paying attention to me so I took it as a chance and ran out the door.

"You little shit get back here!" I yelped he was right on my heels. I picked up my pace only bad thing is I didn't know where I was. There were more rooms and I was in a house. A big house. I looked behind me to see Vincent trying to run after me but he was moving side to side.

"When I get my hands on you..." He hiccupped. I looked around quickly before seeing some light. I ran toward it. What I didn't expect... Stairs and I fell down them. My leg hit the floor really hard. I think I even heard a crack. I blacked out from the pain that shoot through it.

(Flashback end)

I sighed. When I woke up next my leg still hurt and I couldn't stand on it. Vincent stopped talking to me when he entered and he would close the door behind him. Now he locks it when he isn't in the room with me. Speaking of which the door opened.

"Your leg hurt?" I shook my head. He was talking to me again. He looked at me and put some food down before leaving. I sighed. I had lied my leg hurts really bad but I'm scared of what he will do if I had said yes. I leaned back against the wall and stared up at the ceiling. 'No one is going to rescue me...' I let a tear slip down my cheek. I wiped it away when I heard a crash. I looked toward the door and heard it unlock. Vincent walked in He looked pissed off.

"Get up we are leaving." He pulled me up by my arm. I whimpered in pain. He groaned and threw me over his shoulder.

"What's going on?" I asked him. He didn't look at me.

"We've been found and now we have to get out of here." I couldn't help but smile a little. 'Maybe.... Could it be him...?' I shook my head.

"Put her down!" That voice. My eyes went wide. I looked as best I could in my position.

"And if I don't?" Vincent growled.

"I'll kick your ass and then I'll kill you my self." It is him.

"Papa!" Everyone froze.

(Heracles' Pov)

'Papa?' I shook my head. I need to focus on what's at hand getting Allie back. I glared at the man in front of me. He glared right back at me.

"You aren't getting out of this alive."

"Oh and why do you think that?"

"The police are all over so you have no where to run." He smirked.

"But I also have the girl!" He jumped out the window.

"PAPA! PLEASE HELP ME!" Allie cried out. I jumped out after them. Even with the cops pointing a gun at him he didn't let her go.

"Put the girl down sir." He only glared at everyone. A shot was fired and the guy fall over. Allie hit the ground and let out a cry of pain. I ran to her.

"Allie are you okay?" She was crying and I pulled her into a hug. "Your going to be okay you hear me..." A paramedic came over.

"Sir we need to get her to a hospital her leg looks really bad." I nodded and followed them.

"He wont get me again will he?" I looked at Allie and smiled.

"No he wont ever bother you again." She was still crying and I knew a few tears had escaped my eyes as well. Allie was safe and sound. I wouldn't lose her again.

*At the Hospital*

The doctor attending to Allie walked out. I looked up at him. He smiled at me.

"Don't worry she is just fine. We fixed her leg so it will heal the right way and other than that she is healthy." I gave a sigh of relief. The doctor patted my shoulder before walking off. I stood and walked to her room. She was sleeping soundly so I took a seat in the chair next to her bed.

"I shouldn't have left you alone..." I took her hand kissing it. "But your safe now." Her eyes fluttered open.

"I know..." I looked at her.

"How would you like to come live with me in my country?" She thought for a moment before shaking her head and smiling.

"Blitz and Stripes too?" I chuckled.

"Yes them too. Speaking of which they have been very worried about you."

"Are they okay?"

"Yes they are fine I took care of them." She smiled.

"Good..." She looked at the ceiling.

"Now get some rest so you can heal up quickly." She nodded.

"Okay papa..." She yawned and fell asleep. I couldn't help but smile at her as I watched her sleep. 'Papa huh? I could get used to that...' I leaned back in the chair and dozed off.

*Next Day*

(Allie's Pov)

Papa checked me out of the hospital this morning. His friend Kiku came and picked us up to take us back to the hotel room to get our things as well as Blitz and Stripes. He was very nice but I could tell he wasn't much of a hug kind of person. After we were packed and stopped by a pet store to get two cat carriers it was off to the airport. It would be my first time flying so I was kind of nervous. Papa told me he would be right there with me. We said our goodbyes to Mr. Kiku who was heading back to Japan. Papa said we might see him again soon. Now we are jus sitting here waiting for our plane to take off. I'm glad I get to sit next to papa. I held his hand as the plane took off. Once in the air I forgot about my fear as I saw all the clouds below.

"Wow." Papa chuckled.

"You might want to try and sleep it's going to be awhile." I nodded and closed my eyes. After everything that has happened I could sleep for days.

Falling in Love with Daddy's Enemy (A Turkey Love Story): HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now