Chapter 1 Scary Man Follows

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(Heracles' Pov)

I rolled over and fell off the bed. Wait nope I mean the sofa. I looked back at the bedroom door. She must be tried. Looking at the time I realized I needed to get dressed and head out for the meeting. I stood and brushed my pants. Well I should get the day going. I heard meowing and walked over to the bedroom and opened the door.

"Good morning Blitz." The kitten ran past me to the door. Stripes was right behind her. I smiled at the two of them. Before closing the door I took a peek in to look at little sleeping beauty. Sound asleep. I closed the door.

"Do you two want out?" I got a loud meow as an answer. I opened the door and they ran out. I don't know why but you would think I shouldn't have done that but I just knew they would be back after doing their business. I walked into the kitchen to get something to eat.

"My kittens are gone..." I jumped and turned to see Allie.

"What are you doing up?" She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"I rolled over to hug my kittens and they were gone..." I sighed.

"They wanted outside. They will be back." She nodded and climbed up into one of the chairs. "Are you not going back to bed?"

"No... I'm wide wake now." She gave a small smile.

"I'm sorry I never meant to wake you." She shook her head.

"You didn't. I'm used to waking up early." She still looked ready to fall over.

"So how did you sleep?" I asked.

"Fine... Much better than I have in a long while."

"How long have you been on the street?" She jumped up and ran to the door opening it up. The kittens ran in.

"Well I'm seven and a half so about six months." My jaw dropped.

"I have to get ready to go to a meeting. If you would like you can stay here until I get back." She looked up at me.

"Are you sure?" I nodded giving her a soft smile. "Okay."

(Allie's Pov)

Heracles went into the bedroom before going into the bathroom. When he emerged he was wearing different clothes.

"I'm off." I nodded. "You will be here when I return?"

"Yes." I smiled sweetly.

"Good. Lock the door while I'm gone and don't answer it for no one. I have a key to get in." I looked at her. "Understand?"

"Yes sir..." He walked out. I went to the door and locked it. I sat on the sofa and looked at the TV. I found the remote. Turning it on I flipped though the channels until I found some cartoons. I remembered begin home with my mom and three older sisters.

"Allie!" I ran into the leaving room.

"Yes mommy?" She slapped me.

"What the hell is wrong with you child?" I stared up at her eyes wide.

"What did I do mommy?" There was a funny smell on her breath something I didn't know what it was.

"Don't play dumb girl. Your father.... He... He..."

"What's wrong with daddy?" She hit me again. This time a red hand print was left on my face.

"Stupid brat you scared him off!" I backed away. "Your the reason he left me!" I looked at my sisters who just stood there watching not doing anything. They had a look that told me they hated me and believed mother.

Falling in Love with Daddy's Enemy (A Turkey Love Story): HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now