Chapter 10 Mending Something Broken

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Sadiq's Pov

Allie has locked herself up in her room for the past three days. I really wish she'd go back to being her old self again but it seems that isn't going to happen anytime soon. I have to force her to eat. I know Stripes meant a lot to her but something has to help her. I had to get out of the house. So that's why I'm just walking around. Maybe I can think of something to cheer her up if my mind is clear. Maybe I could buy her something. Right as I thought this I passed by a shop and something shiny caught my eye. I smiled noticing it was a beautiful ruby cat necklace. I just had to get it for her. After purchasing the necklace I started toward home. 

"Stupid mongrel!" I heard someone shout. I stopped and looked in the direction it came from. I saw a man who appeared to be chasing something. Curious I felt I had to check out what was going on.

Allie's Pov

I sighed as I lay curled up on the bed with Blitz. She licked my face still trying to cheer me up in a way. I gave her a sad smile. I knew she was worried and for some reason so was Sadiq. I know that Stripes wouldn't want me just sulking but I.... Tears filled my eyes but I wasn't going to cry anymore. No I was going to try and go back to my old self. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes. Blitz meowed rubbing against my side.

"I'm okay now girl." I told her kissing the top of her head. We sat there in the quiet just enjoying the peace. That is until the sound of something crashing inside the house broke it. 

"Stop that!" Sadiq voice shouted from somewhere. I sat there completely confused as what sounded like a struggle got closer to my room. Was Sadiq fighting someone? I stood quickly making my way to the door. It swung open before I could take a step from the bed. There in the doorway stood Sadiq holding.... A kitten. I blinked and stared at them. The kitten was putting up a struggle to free itself as Sadiq tried to keep a grip. He had several scratches covering his hands and a few on his face.

"Take him please." Sadiq said holding him out. Without question I took the little kitten from him. The kitten looked up at me as I smiled down at him. 

"Hello little guy." I giggled taking him over to the bed setting him down. "Look Blitz." She moved toward us and sniffed the kitten. He sniffed at her before rubbing his head against her head. She rubbed back.

"Ummm... surprise." Sadiq said still standing in there watching them. I turned to him as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sit down." I sighed as he gave a confused look. "I'll get the first aid kit." I walked into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. When I came back he was sitting on the edge of my bed. I walked over to him and started to clean the scratches he had received. "So gonna tell me what your doing with a kitten?" 

"Well... I was out and trying to think of ways to make you less sad and ended up finding him...." He said staying perfectly still. "He was causing some trouble to the point he was almost injured and I thought why not bring him home with me after saving him pretty much." 

"He put up one heck of a fight." I giggled as the little kitten hissed at Sadiq. Blitz meowed bopping him on the head. The kitten made a whinning noise but Blitz meowed and he stopped. "Blitz will teach him that your okay..." I mumbled. I finished putting the last band aid on his hand and closed the first aid kit. 

"Yea..." We sat there in silence as the kitten tried to grab Blitz's tail. I smiled as I watched them. "That's better." Sadiq mumbled.

"What?" I asked looking at him confused.

"I like it when you smile more than when you frown." He smirked chuckling. I rolled my eyes but smiled at him. "Oh." He pulled something from his pocket it and held it in his hands for a moment. "Ummm... I found this too..." He handed me a small box. "I thought you'd like it..." He looked down a slight pink crossing his cheeks. I blinked a few times before opening it. I gasped it was beautiful.

"Oh Sadiq I love it thank you." I said as I held the ruby cat necklace in my hand. 

"He let me help you put it on." He took it from me. I held my hair up as he put it around my neck. Once he had it in place he moved away. "There..." I looked down at it admiring it.

"Thank you." I said looking up into his eyes. That's when I noticed for the first time he wasn't wearing his mask. 

"It was nothing..." He said. We just sat there staring into each others eyes. Then he started moving closer. He was moving so slow that I didn't even register what was going on. He was inches away and I swear he was going to kiss me that is until the sound of hissing brought us both back to reality. He pulled away bright red. I looked down blushing myself. The kitten was glaring up at Sadiq as he moved over to me.

"He really doesn't like me." Sadiq chuckled as Blitz bopped the kitten on the head again. I giggled and scratched the little guy on the back. "What are you going to name him?" I thought about it for a good bit before the name finally came to me.

"Aegeus which means protector." I said smiling. 

"It fits." We sat in silence once again. After awhile I heard Sadiq sigh. He stood up rubbing the back off his neck. "Well I guess I'll just go now." He said walking toward the door.

"Sadiq." He stopped and wasn't prepared for what happened next. I wasn't prepared for what happened next nor was I thinking about it. I had jumped off the bed and pulled him right into a kiss. It was quick and I pulled away blushing. "Sorry I-" I was cut off as his lips met mine once again. This time the kiss was longer. He wrapped his arms around my waist as mine wrapped around his neck. When we finally pulled away again it was so we could catch our breath. He placed his forehead against mine as we just got lost in each others eyes. 

"Do you maybe want to go out to dinner with me?" He asked sounding kinda nervous. 

"I would love to." I smiled nodding my head. He smiled giving me a quick kiss. 

"Great I'll let you get ready." He said pulling away.

"Sadiq..." He looked at me. "I have nothing to but my everyday clothes what should I wear?" I asked tilting my head to the side. 

"I'll handle that." He chuckled before leaving. I fell back on the bed a huge smile on my face. 

"I can't believe that just happened." I mumbled. Two meows were the only reply I received. I went off into a fit of giggles.

Sadiq's Pov

​After talking with one of the maids I made my way to my room. After shutting the door I fell right on my bed a huge grin on my face. That was perfect today is just great. Even better I have a date with the most beautiful women who I think I've fallen head over heels for. Who cares if she's Grecce's daughter. She's perfect in every way. And that kiss. I sighed happily. Nothing could ruin this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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