Chapter 4 Happy Birthday Allie!

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(Allie's Pov)

So it's already been two months since I came to live with papa. He lets me call him that. He has lots of cats. Blitz and Stripes made good friends with them but they like to stay close to me and that makes me happy. Papa has been running around and he wont tell me what's going on. I sighed as I stared up at the sky. Blitz is laying by my side and Stripes is on my tummy. I guess it was time for a much needed cat nap.

"Allie!" I looked at the house but the way I was laying when I looked everything was upside down.

"Yes papa?" He smiled at me from the house.

"I was looking for you. Stay out here till I call you in." I nodded and he entered the house. 'What is he up too?' Forgetting about that my mind slipped off to something else. Tomorrow would be my 8th birthday. I hope papa remembers. He said I could have my first birthday cake. Sad I know how can a seven year old never have had a birthday cake before...?

"Mommy it's my birthday." I beamed up at my mother. I was turning five. She promised to make me my first birthday cake this year. I had asked her once why my sisters got cakes but I never did? She looked down at me.

"I'm busy right now... Go play in the yard." She took another sip from the bottle she was drinking. Her breath smelled weird like always. I sighed and did as she told me going outside to play on the swing set father put together. My sisters were outside too.

"Hey guys guess what today is?" They looked at me the oldest one glared. She never liked me.

"No one cares!"

"But this time I get my very own cake." They all laughed and I frowned.

"Yea right mom just said that so you wouldn't ask for one this year." They all continued to laugh as they walked inside. I sat on one of the swings. 'She said she would and I believe her.'

That had been my mistake. Looking back now I wish I had never waited on that cake. It never came and when I asked my mother all she did was hit me and tell me I should stop being so selfness all the damn time. I didn't know how I was I never asked for anything but a simple cake and maybe new clothes.

(Heracles' Pov)

"Thanks for helping me out Kiku." Japan had come over to help me start getting things ready for Allie's birthday. We were going to cook a nice dinner tomorrow and have a big cake. I was very surprised when she had told me she had never had a cake before. I was going to make this her best birthday ever.... At least I was going to try.  

"No problem at all." He was helping with the cake.

"You know you didn't have to get her anything..."

"I know but I figured what would it hurt." He smiled. I got her some gifts as well but when I had invited Kiku to come over I hadn't expected him to bring something for her. But he insisted that it was okay.

"Tonight we finish the cake and then have a simple dinner and tomorrow we go all out." Kiku nodded.

"I hope she likes her gifts." I patted his back.

"Knowing her she will love everything she gets."

"Your right." We continued with the cake.

(Allie's Pov)

"Allie over here!" I ran to the voice to see a giant cake the size of the tallest skyscraper in the world. I drooled as I walked closer.

"Wow!" I reached out and grabbed a piece of cake. I stuffed my mouth. It was so good.

"Don't forget the ice cream." I turned around to see a giant bowl of chocolate and strawberry ice cream.

"I'm in heaven right now..." I ran around eating the cake and ice cream.

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