Chapter 5 Hello COUNTRIES

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(Allie's Pov)

I stared out my window unable to sleep. In the morning Papa said we would be heading to another country for a few days. He has to go to another one of his meetings. The excitement has me on edge a bit. The country if I remember correctly is going to be England. Smiling I pulled my teddy bear papa had gave me closer. I couldn't wait to go to a new country. I looked back to the sky and slowly fell asleep thinking about all the things I'll get to see once we get to England. 

"Allie!" I jumped awake looking up at papa. It took me a minute to realize that the sun was up. 

"Good morning...Papa." I managed to say between yawns.

"Good morning to you sleepyhead." He chuckled ruffling my hair. "Time to get up we have to leave to catch our plane in an hour." I nodded and he left. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and stared at the wall for a few seconds before hopping out of bed and running into the bathroom. Quick bath, brush hair and teeth, put on clothes, make sure bags are packed mine and Blitz and Stripes. 

"Okay I think that is everything." I smiled triumphantly nodding my head.

"Meow...." I looked over to see both kittens looking at me.

"Oh....right....breakfast." I ran out of the room followed by two hungry kittens. Papa had breakfast for me ready on the table. I fixed something for Blitz and Stripes before eating. Before long papa and I headed for the airport.

The plane ride was nice. Papa said he had something very important to tell me before we reached England. But me being the little kid that I am I paid no attention and instead stared out the window as we flew above the sky. I don't know what it is but I really like being way up high. I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a sigh from beside me. I turned and looked up at papa who gave a small smile.

"We'll talk when we get to the hotel." I smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck while nodding. The rest of the flight was quite. Mostly because papa fell asleep which caused me to giggle. Papa did it so often I had gotten used to it. He falls asleep anywhere. Once we landed we headed for the hotel. It was really nice. We walked in the big doors and papa walked over to the front desk to get our room key. I noticed that all around there were people from different parts of the world.

"Wow...." I said in complete awe.

"Allie?" I turned around to see who on earth had called my name and there stood.

"Kiku!" I ran up to him and hugged him. 

"Yo Japan my man whose that?" A man eating a burger asked. I blinked at him in confusion. Mr. Kiku faced palmed.

"I'm Allie...." I said sticking close to Kiku. The guy who was now drinking a milkshake smiled at me while trying to talk with his mouth full.

"I'm *sluuuuurrrpppp*" I blinked not able to understand the last part. It sounded like hero maybe.

"Allie come on lets go to our room." I smiled turning to look at papa. 

"Okay coming papa!" I said goodbye to Kiku and the other guy before running off.

(Kiku's Pov)

"Greece has a kid?" America asked.

"He found her and took her in...." I said as he watched the two enter the elevator. "Oh and America she doesn't know about us...."

"What do you mean?" America asked confused.

"You called me Japan right in front of her she has no idea we are countries." I explained.

"Ohhhh...." America made a look like he knew that to begin with.

"Hey Japan." I looked up to see Turkey walking through the doors.

"Turkey." I smiled as walked up to me.

"Is the lazy one here yet." He asked.

"Yes already went to his room." I nodded.

"Wow he made it here before me for once." 

(Allie's Pov)

"Hey papa...?" I wanted to ask him about what had happened with Mr. Kiku and that other guy.


"Before you had called to me I was standing with Mr. Kiku." I said looking up at him.

"Yes I know I saw." He answered.

"That other guy walked up and called the country." I said not looking away. Papa sighed looking down at me.

"Remember on the plane I said we needed to talk about something important?" He asked and I nodded my head. "This is why." I gave him a confused look. The elevator doors opened to our floor. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Lets get into our room and I'll tell you." We walked to our room. Once inside I let Blitz and Stripes out to walk where they wanted.

"Okay papa what is up?" I asked sitting beside him on the couch.

"He called him Japan because he is Japan." Papa said. I blinked complete confused.

"Like he's from Japan?" I asked.

"You know how all those people looked like they were from all over the world?" I nodded. "Because they are but their not just people their countries themselves." 

"Still confused..." Papa sighed smiling down at me.

"You'll understand it better as you get older." 

(Sadiq's Pov) 

I laid in the bed in my room and stared at the ceiling. He made it here before me. That isn't like that cat lover. What is he up to?

Falling in Love with Daddy's Enemy (A Turkey Love Story): HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now