bad joke-xxxiv-

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this story is a  c o n t i n u a t i o n of my fanfiction 'Heather'. I recommend you read that one first in order to understand the happenings of this story. Thank you ;)

you didn't believe that I would leave that to be the end, right? Please excuse the way this is written, but Heather is very traumatised and I tried my best to write this chapter in her point of view.

[Heather's P.O.V]

My eyes were still focused on Spencer as a gunshot sounded out of nowhere, he went to the ground and I couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

The loud blast had torn through the atmosphere making everything atrocious, and now there was warm liquid seeping through his tuxedo.

He was shot right in the heart.

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!", a woman shouted, it sounded like Diana.

Derek, Aaron and David ran outside to try to get the twisted human being who shot Spencer.

The other guests just sat there, like pupals, covering the eyes of their children, their own eyes scanning all the red.

The others, the girls and the priest, just stood there, as if they were fossilised.

I kneeled down beside Spencer, the love of my life, on the floor, crying panicked and neglecting the warmth of something dripping down my thigh.

"Spencer, my love, Spencer, please stay with me.", I begged him, trying my hardest to suppress all the pain.

"I-I love you, Heath.", he choked out, laying there in his own blood.

"I love you Spencer. You have to stay with me.", I sobbed.

My white dress was now stained with red, as I tried to stop him from bleeding, my numb, red hands pressing down on his chest, still talking to him and begging him to stay with me as his eyelids fell closed.

He wouldn't drown in his own blood, I couldn't let him.


I couldn't stop crying.

I was so puzzled, everything was perfect and then in a blink of an eye someone came and took everything away from me, from us.

Who would do something so cruel?

I was still crouching down, my hands on Spencer's chest.

There was blood everywhere and I couldn't move.

I could feel his heart slowly giving in and I begged for it to hold on, to beat on. He couldn't die.

He couldn't die.

The ambulance came shortly after to take Spencer away and someone took in my place. I closed my eyes.

I heard someone call that they should take me with them.

It was Morgan.

They tried to get me to stand up but a cry of pain left my lips and I had to clung on to my stomach. Our baby. Our beautiful baby.

"Ma'am, we need you to come with us.", someone said, grabbing my arm.

"Don't touch me.", was the only thing I could bring myself to say, "please, just, don't touch me."

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