tests -xl-

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Spencer's point of view

I was awakened due to soft snores that came from Heather. Since I couldn't help myself, I let out a muffled chuckle and pressed her back closer against my chest, planting a wet kiss onto her cheek.

She slowly turned around then, bringing her hand up to swat herself in the face. Then, Heather cuddled her face into my chest and I forgot about all the pain and trouble that was caused lately.

"Stop staring.", she mumbled, and I let out an amused laugh.

"Good morning to you, too, beautiful."

She brought up her hand and cupped my face with it, shushing me, "I'm trying to sleep."

Heather was ultimately torn from sleep when someone knocked at the door.

A nurse made her way into the room, seemingly recognising her, "Good morning, Dr. Reid."

"Dr. Jayce, I assumed you had went back to your room. The tests need to be taken today."

Heather rubbed her eyes and lifted herself up, "Okay, but could I have breakfast first, please?"

"Sure, we'll go and grab breakfast for both of you, it will be there in just a minute.", she smiled, closing the door again.

"Are you feeling okay?", I asked Heather.

"Yeah, but I'm so hungry! And right now, i just feel a tad bit nauseous but I'm really glad that I get morning sickness in the evening, well, most of the time at least.", she said and I put a strand of hair that was tangling in front of her face behind her ear.

"It will cease eventually.", I reassured her and lifted myself up in bed as well.

"I know, it's just a little dismotivating that it seems to stop for most women at week 14 and it hasn't stopped for me yet, even though we are a bit over week 14."

"Don't worry, usually, that's a good sign during pregnancy", I said, "since it's connected to the hormones human chorionic gonadotrophin and oestrogen."

"I know.", she pouted, "but it's still bad."

"You know that article I read last week? It had some tricks to get over feeling nauseous, so I'm prepared.", I said, which caused her to grin.

We heard a knock again, and another nurse came in with a cart that carried breakfast.  She handed us two different tablets.

"Enjoy your meal!", she said, "I'll have to come back in about twenty minutes as we have to do some check ups on both of you. Just stay right here.", she ordered before leaving again.

I began to dig in but after I saw Heather scrunching her nose, I stopped and put down my fork to ask what was wrong.

She just got up slowly, without speaking a word she put her tablet on the bedside table and went to the little bathroom, one hand on her back and the other one on her belly, locking the door behind her.

"Are you okay in there, babe?", I asked, concerned, trying to get out of the bed, only realising then that that wasn't possible due to all the different things being connected to me. Usually, I would follow her into the bathroom in these situations to help her somehow, hold back her hair and rub her back because it would make things better, for both of us.

"Yeah, it's fine, it was just the smell of the bacon!", she shouted, flushing the toilet, "You just continue to eat, I'm just gonna brush my teeth."

"No, it's fine, I can wait.", I said, frowning.

"I'm serious, Spencer, please eat the bacon.", she laughed, and so I did as she said, so that she wouldn't have to smell the noisome food again.

I heard the tab being turned off again before the door of the bathroom opened and put my empty tablet away, grabbing the water bottle and handing it to her. She took a sip before closing the lid and giving it back to me.

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