the nursery -xlvi-

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..I opened the door to the future nursery that was right next to our bedroom. We had planned to paint the future baby room a few days ago but weren't able to do so due to several appointments.

"I thought we could paint the nursery?"

"Heather, I really wouldn't today.."

"Come on, please!", I grabbed a huge brush after I opened the lid of the different pastel colours, dipping it in and sneaking closer to Spencer, who was focusing on finding the paint roller.

He looked up to look at me after finding it only to get me to paint his nose with a brush stroke.

"This will cheer you up, right?", I asked, biting my lip to prevent myself from laughing at how ridiculous he looked with the rosy pastel colour we had chosen in the building supplies store when we had moved in. I had wanted to paint half of our bureau this colour but decided against it. Now, I thought, it fit the nursery for our baby girl perfectly.

JJ also had gifted me a few decorative items on my birthday that I hadn't found a good place for and I had put aside some of my things when we were unboxing. But I had to remember Spencer to accompany me to the old house sometime as I missed some of my things.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realised Spencer was sneakily dipping the paint roller in the bucket full of the colour, but I snapped out of it when he rolled it onto the front side of my white shirt.

"Revenge, oh, sweet revenge!", he grinned.

"Hooo, snap! Wait till I get you back good for that one!" I warned, dipping my brush into the bucket whilst Spencer watched me with wariness.

I tricked him into thinking that I would fling the brush so that the paint would be thrown at him, causing him to run. I ran in the opposite direction getting his checkered blue pyjama pants to be flecked by rosy spots.

"You're mean!", he exclaimed pouting at which I had to let out a loud laugh.

I approached him again to take him into my embrace, only to get him painting my nose surreptitiously.

I gasped trying to get his hands off of me, "who is it that is mean now?"

"You started.", he chuckled, hugging me tighter.

"Wow, Spencer, look at how much of the room we actually painted!", I said, looking around at the walls that were all still white. Then I looked down at myself before looking at Spencer and shaking my head, "I'm sorry, I actually didn't plan for a little paint war to break out between the both of us."

"It was fun though!", he said, before pecking my lips, "Now let's get to work!"


After an hour of painting we actually managed to get every inch of the walls covered, chatting about random topics at hand whilst having done so.

We high-fived each other when we were done with the walls and mustered each other, pondering upon what to do next.

"There's so much stuff we still need to buy!", Spencer remarked, turning to look at the walls and I nodded still looking at him.

"Wouldn't it be better if we leave the decorations on the side until we went shopping for furniture?", I asked.

"Yup.", he answered, popping the 'p'.

"I'm tired.", we said simultaneously and Spencer turned back to grin at me.

He took my hand after turning off the light in the nursery, taking us into our bedroom where we changed into clean sleepwear and collapsed onto our bed, forgetting about all of our worries-

A/N: short chapter but double updates ftw

also, this story might seem a little boring or uneventful or not fitting with the title or with idk what atm, but please bear with me and trust me that i#ve the story planned out a'ight?

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