questioning -li-

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- H E A T H E R ' S    POV - 

I am surprised when I get a call from Penelope, telling me that she insists on us going shopping now. 

As there's no way of turning her off, I agree and get ready to make my way to the Bureau. 

But before I manage to head out the door, my phone rings again. 

"Yes?", I answer. 

"Hey Heath, slight change of plans- let's meet at the mall instead of at the bullpen, alright?"



I meet her at the entrance of the mall and she attempts to hug me, not really managing as my by now fairly big stomach is in the way. 

Garcia giggles and we enter the shopping centre. Meeting her today was definitely a good decision as it has already brightened my day after only greeting her. 

"How are you feeling?", is the first thing she asks me and I hesitate for a brief moment- contemplating wether to tell her the whole truth or just a bit of it. 

"I'm better.", I say, avoiding to look into her eyes, "my feet hurt though", "how are you?"

"I'm good. I can't wait to buy cute stuff for the little girl! She will be the cutest!", she gushes.

"Kathryn Diana Reid," I say, placing a hand on my belly, "this feels so sureal after all that has happened.."

Garcia nods shortly, placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing slightly to offer some sort of consoling which I am grateful for.  I spot a man in a basecap and the features that aren't hidden by him walking with his head down seem fairly familiar from afar.

"So- how are the others? I miss everybody so much, it feels like it's been ages!", I pout jokingly at which Penelope chuckles lightly. 

"We miss you, too, dear. Did Emily tell you she met someone?", she wiggles her eyebrows and I enquire for more details that she kindly provides me with. 

"So, which shop should we check out first?", I ask at which she responds immediately, "There's this one shop that sells the most precious stuff, come on!"

We enter the shop and are greeted by a shop assistant in less than half a minute. 

"Hello! May I help you find something in particuar?"

We smile at her and I take a glance at her name tag before thanking her and telling her that there was no need for her to help us as we are just going to look around. 

She nods and turns on her heel after telling us that we shouldn't hesitate to ask for help if we needed any. 

We go on to look through the racks and find a few things that I can't resist but buy. After we go to a few other shops, Penelope and I decide to grab something to eat and search for a table in the giant food court at the mall. 

We sit down with our food of choice and I place the few bags of items we purchased beside my chair.

"Thank you for doing this with me today. I didn't realise that I needed to leave the house.", I tell her sincerely. 

"Any time, Heather. I am having lots of fun!", she flashes me one of her signature smiles, her pearly white teeth showing and I smile back, before spotting the man with the basecap again. My smile falters. 

"Penelope?", I ask in a cautious tone, biting down on my bottom lip slightly, "I might be going crazy but I feel like there is someone who is following us the whole time."

She places her plastic fork onto her plate and turns around to look at the person I was looking at a few moments after so that it wouldn't be too suspicious if he spotted us. 

"It's probably nothing- the mall isn't too big, it could just be a coincidence, Heather.", she tries to calm me down but I notice how she tenses up.

I nod, making sure to note this in the back of my head and check with Spencer as soon as I get back home. 

"I'm sure Spencer will love the things we bought.", I speak trying to change the topic. 

Garcia winces slightly and then lets out a small breath, "Okay, I wasn't supposed to tell you just now, but about Spencer--"


   - S P E N C E R  ' S    POV -

I am growing more and more frustrated by the second at the precinct they took me to.

After what felt like the hundreth question the officers asked me after I had tried expaining what hapened that might have led to this and them still claiming that I had been in Baltimore and that I allegedly was the one they were searching for, I brought my still tied-together fists down on the table in front of me. 

"How am I supposed to have killed someone that I have no connection with? When? I was busy at the Bureau most of the time and if I wasn't, I was at home with my pregnant wife! What motive should I have had for such an act?"

"I'm sorry to upset you Dr Reid, but how else would you explain your DNA at the crime scene?"

I am about to repeat what I said before, that someone is trying to dispose of me somehow after they failed to end my life but I know that they would demand proof for this theory like they did about half an hour ago. 

There is someone knocking on the dark pane on the wall opposite me and one of the people questioning me gets up to check what it is about. 

Whilst he is away his partner gives me a sympathetic smile, obviously not convinced that I am truly the one to blame. 

The officer returns to his previous seat after a few minutes and tells his collegue to get the handcuffs off of me.

"Apparently you were telling the truth, Dr, the FBI has helped us find out that the bullets match with the one that was used trying to shoot you. The victim has proven to be Mr Bernard's son. You might want to check up with your team, they have put together a profile whilst we were questioning you.", he informs me and I nod. 

His partner chimed in, too, "Sorry for taking up your time, Dr Reid." 

"It's alright," I brush it off, "you were only doing your job." 

They hand me an evidence bag with my items in them and I take out my phone, calling Heather to make sure she is okay. 

She answers after the first ring, exhaling audibly at me calling her, apparently relieved. 

"Spencer! Garcia has just told me. Are you okay?"

"Yes, love, I'm alright but how are you? Are you good?"

"Why didn't you tell me you are this close?"

"Some things still don't make sense, Heather. Please accompany Garcia to the BAU for now, so that I know you're safe. I'll join you there shortly"

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