father -lvi-

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::A/N:: sorry if the pov changes too often, i hope it is still clear who is talking and so on! this book is nearly finished, thank all of you for reading up until now ! <3
And OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I saw that this book was and still is trending in fanfiction whilst i was absent and i never would've thought that this would happen- not even in my wildest dreams SO THANK YOU THANK TOU THANK YOUUUU FRENS YOURE THE BEST AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A NICE DAY OR NIGHT OR IN-BETWEEN NIGHT N DAY ? ILY

-two days later-

David and I stayed in a hotel and from what we had heard, they lost sight of my father the other day and were now desperately trying to find him.

"He always used to go to the park with me and push me on the swing and buy me strawberry ice cream." I remember telling Rossi the previous day when we were talking about my father and I went on to explain his change in character, opening up about the issue as I had before with Spencer.

Currently I think about how much I miss Spencer, even though it hasn't been more than mere days that I've last seen him. There's a lot of early morning sunlight flooding the hotel room and  I attempt to roll out of bed when I hear someone knocking at the door, seeing as I was already awake anyway.

When I stand up, I feel a pain shoot through my back. I slowly walk to the door, fixing my robe before opening it. When I do, I am greeted by Rossi.

"Ready for breakfast?", he asks but takes down his hands when he sees me, his features dropping in worry.

"I think I am having labour pain." I bit down on my lip.

His eyes widen and mine do, too, realising what just happened.

"Okay, come on, we have to go to the hospital." Rossi orders, moving to my side to help me move.


In the hospital, we are taken into a room and David excuses himself shortly to take a call, before making sure that I am being taken care of by the hospital staff.

I am told that my cervical os isn't open wide enough yet and that I'll have to wait a bit more.

In order to occupy myself, I try to remember the day Spencer and I painted the nursery, then the day we found out that we would have a girl, the day we heard her heart beat and every other positive memory I can possibly think of, realising that they are all linked to Spencer.


- S P E N C E R ' S   P O V -

As soon as we managed to get hold of Heather's father, I call David so that he will let Heather know.

He answers after the second ring and before I get to tell him, he informs me that they are in a hospital in Greensboro because Heather is preparing to give birth. I feel a wave of nerves hit me as that piece of information sinks in.

"Oh my god! That's great, do you think I'll make it? I'll take the jet with the others and we'll be there in no time, I just hope I'll make it to the hospital in time! I really can't miss it, I would never be able to forgive myself! Do you think I'll miss it? Can I make it? Is Heather okay? How is she?"

"So you caught him?" Rossi asks happily, "that's brilliant, I'll tell Heather now."

"Can I talk to Heather? Is she okay?"

"Of course." he chuckles.

There is a moment of silence in which Rossi presumably passes the phone on to Heather who greets me after she takes in a heavy breath, probably because she had another contraction.

"Heather, love, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, just get your ass over here, Spencer.", she breathes out, managing a weak laugh.

I join in with the laughter, "I will be there as soon as possible, we are already boarding, Heather, just remember what the Doc said."

"I would've prefered to give birth with her present back in Virginia."

"We only found him half an hour ago." I inform her, my tone in voice changing drastically. I feel sweat forming on my forehead. It didn't go as we had planned, but it was over now, she doesn't need to know about what exactly went down just yet. I would tell her when the time is right because I am sure that she would be torn, of course- her father did horrendous things but somehow he was still her father and she still remembered a time before her mother falling due to sickness, where he was somewhat 'normal'.

She audibly inhales sharply again, before answering.

"Did it go well? You aren't hurt, are you?"

I can't bring myself to tell her that he nearly got me again, the bullet having missed me if it weren't for Hotch having been fast enough to take him out before he had the chance to try again.

"I'm okay, none of us got hurt, now let's don't think about that, we are going to have a baby, Heather, can you believe it?"

She chuckles weakly, "I won't believe it until I see her."

"Well, I can't wait to be there, so we'll go now, yeah? I hope I'll be there in no time."

"You better be. I love you, Spencer."

"I love you, Heather."

"Please hurry." she says before hanging up.

- H E A T H E R ' S   P O V -

Over an hour of laying in the hospital bed later, I was still not fully ready to give birth, the doctor telling me that I was nearly ready but that it would take a bit more time.

My patience was wearing thin and though Rossi helped me stay calm and regulate my breathing whilst having contractions, I couldn't wait for the baby to come.

Twenty minutes later, my water broke and the doctor got ready to initiate the birth.

Right then, the door is pulled open and I notice someone grabbing my hand, I try to look to my left where Rossi was now gone and Spencer took his place, his thumb brushing over my hand.

I am instructed to start pressing and squeeze Spencer's hand tightly in mine, whilst he plants kisses on my slightly sweaty forehead, some strands of hair that had fallen out of the ponytail falling onto my back stick to my face and my neck.

"You're doing amazing, Heather."

"Keep pushing, she's nearly there!", the doctor instructed and so I do.

Not long after that, a loud cry is heard and I see the midwife take our baby away.

A few seconds later Spencer takes our daughter out of her arms.

Seeing him with her makes me feel happier than I've ever been. She stopped crying now and Spencer has the biggest smile I've ever seen on his lips.

He slowly steps closer to the bed I'm lying in and carefully hands her to me, so that she is now in my arms.

"Hello Kathryn Diana Reid," I coo at my beautiful baby girl, a tear running down my cheek and I feel Spencer peppering my cheek with light kisses.

He extends one finger and our little girl clasps her tiny hand around it.

I just know that Spencer will be the best father the world has ever seen, and I couldn't try and describe the love I feel in this very moment.

It was worth fighting through everything that happened for this moment of pure bliss.

"Thank you." Spencer whispered into my neck.

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