'just say yes' -xliii-

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Four days later

"Have I told you what I dreamt of last night?", I asked Spencer who was slouched onto the sofa in our house. He just got discharged from hospital yesterday and has a few days off for the weekend before going to work again on Monday, whereas I was to take early maternal leave.

Hotch had instructed him to take more time off but Spencer had wanted to go back to work, claiming that he had found it boring enough to sit in the hospital all day. Of course he had made sure that I was okay with it as well.

I had assured him that I was, but to be honest, I was scared of something happening to him again. I wouldn't be able to bear it.

"No? What was your dream about?", he asked loudly so that I could hear him in the room next door. I folded the last piece of laundry and put the empty basket on top of the dryer before going to sit down next to him. The smell of washing powder and fabric softener was then replaced by the scent of books that was always present in our house, especially in the living room, and some vanilla candles he had lit previously.

He put a hand around my waist before letting me begin to speak, "I dreamt that you cheated on me with Emily."

He drew his hand back again, before turning his head to the side. He then looked into my eyes, a very serious expression on his face, before he began to burst out into loud, bubbly laughter. I awkwardly joined in on the laughs.

"Huh.", Spencer calmed down, wiping tears from his eyes, "good one."

"Well, you know that I've been dreaming complete and utter humbug lately, I've told you!"

"Maybe that's due to all these different pillows you sleep on?", he raised a brow.

"Ugh, no! Spencer, you know that I have to because both of us wouldn't get any sleep otherwise", I took a pillow from behind me and hit him on the shoulder with it very lightly.

"Ouch!", he wailed, a huge grin plastered on his face, "Yeah, I know the whole keeping your head elevated to stop you from snoring thing."

"I still don't understand how you can sleep through your snores but wake up as soon as I make one little sound.", I shook my head disbelievingly and Spencer cackled, shrugging his shoulders.

"You snore louder, I suppose.", he smiled.

"Never.", I said and he kissed me on the cheek.

We laid there in comfortable silence for a bit before I took Spencer's hand to help him up, "Come on.", I spoke softly, not wanting to give away where I wanted to go with him.

"Let's get dressed."

"For what?", he asked, his brows furrowed.

"We're getting married.", I bit my lower lip.


"Yup.", I smiled, "I don't want to wait any longer, I want you to be my husband and I want you to be able to call me your wife, so come on now, get dressed, yeah? Just say yes."

"Alright, love. I guess we're finally getting married then.", he whispered into my ear, I could tell that he was grinning, then he planted a soft kiss onto my cheek before turning to get changed. 

I followed his steps into our bedroom and both of us got dressed into a more appropriate attire. Then we made our way to the City Hall.

"I feel like a hippo.",I said then, looking down at myself in the knee-length white dress, overcome by insecurity due to the dream that wouldn't go out of my head and Spencer was the one shaking his head now.

"Trust me, you don't look like it, babe.", he looked at me sincerely before turning his attention back to the road," you're beautiful as ever. It's totally normal to feel this way during pregnancy.In this one book it said that due to all the changes that come with the sudden growth of the baby in the second trimester, you might have the fear of losing me, but trust me, Heather, I love you with all my heart and that will never ever change, okay?"

I nodded.

"Oh, and Spencer?"


"I love you more."

He shook his head again, smiling.

"I love you most. Now come on," he had now managed to park the car and opened the passenger door for me, outstretching his hand for me to take, "let's get married."

A/N: I'm not at all happy with this rather short chapter but it's been long due. Tell me what ya'll are thinking pls. I suppose I won't be writing the whole "wedding" after the wedding thing and I know one is normally obliged to sign some sort of form before one is able to get married at the city hall, but let's just pretend that heather had prepared for this beforehand or something ok? ok! great, thx

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