pancakes -xlvii-

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As soon as the very warm sunlight traveled from outside the window onto my face, I was awake and opened my eyes, wincing at the brightness of it.

I felt Spencer's arm resting on my hip and I heard his light snores. I really needed to use the toilet but I didn't want to wake him though I didn't see any other way of slipping out.

When the phone rang just a few seconds later, he lifted his head from the pillow though and looked really puzzled.

I kissed his naked shoulder before speeding to the toilet shouting, "Gotta pee. Be right back."

When I came back, I found Spencer in the same position I had left him in, his messy hair covering his eyes.

"Who called?", I asked and he turned around pouting, claiming that he didn't find the phone.

"It's okay, I think I left it downstairs last night, I'm going down to see. You're off work today, right?"

"Right. I'm going to join you in a few minutes let me just-", he mumbled and buried his face in the pillow again.

I got downstairs, finding the phone in the kitchen and saw that someone had left a voice message.

Pressing a few buttons, I was greeted with the voice of Garcia who asked me if it was okay if we postponed our shopping trip for the baby.

I pressed the dial button and whilst the phone was ringing, I went into the kitchen and closed the glass door behind me.

"Good morning!", she greeted me happily, "How are you doing, dear?"

"I'm alright, how are you?"

"Lovely. I just wanted to ask if it's okay to postpone our shopping day? There was an incident that I have to deal with, it's very complicated, I'm going to tell you later. I already asked JJ and Emily and they said it would be okay for them if it is okay for you."

"Yeah, sure. Just let me know when you're free, I don't really have anything else to do to be honest, it's pretty boring staying home all the time. But luckily you don't have to work today and Spencer is home so it's fine!"

"Okay, see you around then! Take care!", she said, hanging up. I put the telephone onto it's loading station before turning to the fridge to get the ingredients for pancakes and orange juice out. I've been craving pancakes.

I prepped the batter and then I made coffee for Spencer, who opened the door as my mobile rang, signalling that I had a new text message. I quickly grabbed my phone so that Spencer wouldn't see the message.  

It was Alex,  a friend from college who joined the FBI a few weeks ago and who helped me work on the case, spying on the rest of the team while doing so. I felt very bad due to it but I had to find out who tried to shoot Spencer. I just couldn't go any longer without knowing that he was in danger.

"Did you have a good sleep tonight?", he asked and I reached for two mugs, filling one with coffee and the other one with the orange juice.

"Very! Here's your coffee.", I smiled and handed him his drink.

"Thanks, babe.", he said, putting his free hand on my tummy as he leaned in to kiss my cheek what made me blush.

"Garcia sadly is busy today.", I pouted.

"Ah, so you're not going shopping today?", he asked and I shook my head no.

"You said you wanted me to come with you in order to grab some things from your mum's house, we could do that today if you want to?"

I nodded. I hadn't been there since that one night and I was advised to go back as a last step to finish off with the whole affair. Spencer had brought a bunch of my things from the house to our new home but I felt like some things were missing and wanted to go see for myself.

It would be a big step and I didn't think that I was ready yet. But I couldn't admit that.

"If you don't mind of course. I mean, we could always go later if you have other plans for your free day.."

"Nah, it's fine, I'm truly happy that you feel better now, Heather."

"Me too.", I told him sincerely, as he took a sip of his coffee, turning around to make the pancakes. He always complained that they were 'weirdly formed' when I did them but in reality, I knew, he just wanted it to be teamwork- with me doing the dough and him showing off his pancake-flipping skills.

Because he was occupied now, I took a quick look at the message I got.

Cedric Guner, 36,

spotted in front of the church at the time of the shooting, now in questioning


So that's why the others cancelled today. They didn't want Spencer and me to know. I was relieved but at the same time I thought that if it was this Guner it would've been way too easy. I had an off feeling about it.

From what I had gathered so far it had to be someone who knew us. Someone who knew when our wedding day was. Somebody who really wished us bad. If it had been a killer who did it for pleasure we wouldn't have been the first ones- it had to be someone who was confident in killing, someone who had experience with violence and was probably arrested in the past. It couldn't have been a random stranger wanting to ruin our wedding day. They wouldn't risk a big audience. This attack was organized but unorganized at the same time. There were too many risks of being seen and for shooting the wrong person or missing because it was a long distant shot. But nobody saw what exactly the person looked like.

"Look at this flip!", Spencer cheered, showing me how he flipped the pancake with a swift, quick movement of his wrist. "Did you see that?"

"Yeah! That was the best pancake flip I have ever seen!",  I chuckled, happy because he was happy.

"I'm going to change quickly. Just try to not flip them too high like you did last time, okay?"

He shot me a sad look over his shoulder, "You promised to not mention it again!"


It was just too good to not remind him of it again. He had to jump on top of the kitchen island, trying to reach the ceiling with a spatula in order to scrape the pancake, that was stuck there, off. The pancake fell down on his face making a really funny sound.  He slowly lifted it off of his face and made the funniest facial expression before bursting out into laughter.

I went upstairs and opened the door to our office, sitting down at my desk and pulling out a folder from a drawer. I took out a new sheet of paper, writing down the name of the man our team was questioning in this very moment. I put the sheet into the folder and the folder back into the drawer of my desk. I would have to do my researches later.

Opening the message from Alex again, I deleted it. Then I went into our bedroom and got dressed to go eat pancakes and then go to my mum's house, facing my trauma.


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