Your perfect to me

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"Spencer, we though you were okay. We though maybe you could be happier again. But your just not fixable." Harry said crossing his arms in disbelief.

"Un-fixable? That's all I an to you? You think I want to be this broken toy that's been tossed around broken,raped, lied to, and cheated on? You think that's what I want in life don't you? All I've ever wanted to be was 'normal'. Is that too much to ask. Is too much to want to be this amazing girl that has not imperfections? Apparently it is. I'm sorry for bothering all you lives with my imperfect self, all the drama, humiliation and hatred that I brought to you guys. Can't I just be loved for once? Not lied to. That's all I've asked for in life is honesty and fairness. What I get in return? Hell." I said finishing my speech in near tears.

"Spencer, your amazing and beautiful The way you are. No one is perfect, that's what life is about- the bumps, roller coasters, and imperfections.

You are you, and we all love you for that. And what you bring to our lives isn't any of the things you mentioned. You brought happiness, joy, faith, understanding. You made us see that the little things in life- make big differences, that being yourself isn't a bad thing. You made me realize that bad things really do happen to amazing people- like yourself. Suicide is a serious thing, but you fought it. Look at where you are now alive and healthy. Your you and we love you for that- for being you. No one can hate you- your kindness, everything about you is amazing. If you ever think for a second that no one loves you- remember, I do." Niall said wrapping me in his famous hugs.


"I love you too, more than you well ever know. Not even words can ever describe it." I said pecking his lips.

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