Part 3

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They soon arrived at the Italian restaurant Sam had suggested. He carried Carson's infant seat in and stood with her waiting for a table to open up. He kept his free hand on the small of her back the whole time. As they waited another grandmotherly lady peered in at Carson and cooed at him.  

"What a beautiful baby you have there! Congratulations you two. Nothing like a nice little family!"  

Neither Sam or Mia had the heart to correct her but Mia did feel her cheeks growing warm and Sam just said, 

'Thank you, we are very proud of him as well." Then they were called and seated. The waitress also made a big fuss over Carson.  

Midway through dinner Carson woke up and loudly announced his hunger so Mia unbuckled him and fed him his bottle. At one point she looked up to see Sam studying her.  

"What is that look for?" She asked 

"You look natural doing that Mia. Motherhood suits you." He said cryptically.  

She didn't quite know what to say.  

"Umm thanks. Carson is a good baby and makes it easy. Although I'm still struggling with the nighttime schedule. Some nights he sleeps a few hours, some nights, it seems like a few minutes!"  

"He will settle soon. They all usually do." 

They enjoyed the rest of their meal with idle chit chat and then drove home.  

"Thank you Mia for letting us stay on the ranch and for a nice dinner. I'll bid you a goodnight and we will see you in the morning." He said after ushering her into the house.  

"It's the least I can do after you saved our lives Sam. Get some sleep and see you in the morning." She said. Sam left and quietly shut the door so not to disturb Carson. 

She found herself smiling as she got the both of them ready for bed.  



Carson woke her for the 4th time that evening...or morning to be accurate. He was just restless.  

Mia scrambled out of bed and lifted the baby, snuggling him close. After changing him and feeding him, he still fussed. She settled into the rocker in the living room and prepared for a long night. Carson had done this a couple times, Mia supposed he was still unused to the life change that had been forced upon him. Mia did her best to mommy him but when it came down to it, she wasn't his mommy.  

Mia started humming a lullaby to Carson who settled down immediately. He still squirmed but stopped crying.  

She halted when she heard a soft knock and, 

"Mia? Everything ok?" Sam came into the living room and whispered to her, 

"I've seen your light come on a few times tonight and was worried." 

Mia smiled at his thoughtfulness, 

"He's fine. Just a bit restless, probably missing his mommy. I'm sorry we woke you." 

"I was already awake, no worries. Here let me take him." With that, Sam cuddled Carson to him and sat down in a recliner, leaning back, he positioned Carson on his chest. Carson curled into him and shut his eyes. Sam's hand was rubbing his back soothingly.  

"Seriously? How do you do that!" She whispered, hands on her hips.

Sam just smiled in response.  

"Go lay down and let us boys have some guy time. Go on, we will be fine." He made a shooing motion with his hand and when she hesitated he said, 

"You need some rest, I'm always up this late anyways so of with you lady." 

Laughing softly she padded back to bed. Sam was quite a guy. Good with kids, hell of a kisser and too hot for his own good. 

She set her alarm for an hour and was out the second her head hit the pillow.

An hour later, Mia woke and tiptoed into the living room. Sucking in a breath, she took in the scene before her.  

Bare chested Sam with Carson clad only in a diaper laying on his chest, covered with a receiving blanket.  

Mia swallowed passed the lump in her throat and whispered, 

"Sam...Sam wake up. " she leaned down to take Carson but found her arm in an iron strong grasp. She looked up at his face and their eyes locked. No words came out from either of them. She could see he was fully awake and desire simmered in his eyes. Before she knew it she had leaned in and pressed her lips to his. When she realized what she had done she tried to pull back but he wouldn't let her. In fact he just deepened the kiss. His tongue touched her lips and they opened on their own accord. He tasted so good. Like a man, proud and strong. She responded by giving him her tongue timidly. He responded by swooping in and dominating. The kiss ended with them both breathless. Her cheeks flushed red and she picked up Carson, holding him close while she tried to process what she had done. He read her mind and said, 

"Don't over think it Mia. We are both consenting single adults who are attracted to each other." 

She just nodded even though she really didn't know why. He just smiled at her and stood, putting his shirt back on.  

"Thank you for taking Carson. I'm sorry we woke you though." 

"Awe, no problem. I don't sleep well anyways and was already up when I saw your lights come on. Well, chores are calling. I'll see you guys later." And off he went and she could have sworn she heard him whistling... 


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