Chapter Five - Home Continued

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She had walked away from them at that point. They took their conversation a few dozen feet away and started arguing again but she stayed close to Merle, even sitting besides him at one point. It didn’t take long for him to wake up, and of course he woke up mad.

“Damn.” He moaned, rolling himself to the left. Quinn couldn’t help but smirk, a soft laugh alerting Merle to her presence.

“Doesn’t feel too good does it?” She tapped his head gently. “I’m surprised that rock hard noggin of yours didn’t protect you.”

“I kin’ say th’ same ‘bout you.” Merle sat up. “Where’s Daryl?”

Quinn pointed down the road. “They’ve been talking for an hour now. They’re pissed about something.”

“Let ‘em be pissed.” Merle huffed as he stood up and dusted off his jeans. “I don’t give a shit. Hope they all get killed.”

“‘Cept for Daryl, of course.” She mused. “Hey, uh, Merle.”

“Yeah?” He turned to her, his hand absently rubbing the back of his neck.

“The Asian boy says you, you did something bad. Says you beat him. Rick says you-”

“Don’t believe a goddamn word those pussies say.” Merle spit on the ground. “Bunch of Democratic Walker-lovin’ pussies is all they are.”

“So you didn’t touch the Asian?” Quinn asks again, her brown eyes narrowed on his.

Merle stared back at her. “Didn’t touch the boy once.”

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