Chapter 9: My Prized Possession

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10 minutes later and the screeching noise continued.

"Trevor, you're okay!" I ran over to hug him.

"And so are you I presume?"

"Yeah, but how are we going to get the Gene?" he pulled me out of the room that Miranda was now controlling.

"Ted has it. I could smell him walking through the woods."

"Yeah but how do you know he has it on him?"

"Just a hunch."

"Trevor, we can't just go and jump some guy just because you have a hunch about him."

"We can if I want to kill him."

"Trevor you can't! He's your relative."


"She's right Trevor," Tina walked out of the shadows with Miranda, "For once you should listen to your girlfriend."

"Cleo's gone." Eve said.

"How did you lose her? Miranda you had her like putty in your hands!"

"Do not take this out on Miranda. The real person you should be pointing fingers at is Eve." Everyone turned and stared at Tina. "She's the one who let Cleopatra go. She's her sister! You honestly think Eve would turn her back on her own sister?"

Then we all looked at Eve. "I swear I didn't let her go for the reasons you're thinking." She took a step back from us.

"Then why did you do it Eve? Why let our worst enemy go?"

"It's a very good reason, but I can't tell you."

"Ha!" Trevor chuckled then raced over toward her.

"Trevor," I stepped between them and put my hands on his chest, "don't. She's not worth it."

"Yes Trevor please don't." Eve said while mimicking me. I glared at her.

"We will find her," Trevor pointed at Eve as he spoke, "with or without you."

"You and what army?"

"This one." He said while spreading his arms out, directing them at all of us. "Sarah, you stay with Eve. The rest of you... follow me. We have a beast to kill." Then Trevor transformed into a werewolf and led Miranda and Tina into the forest.

Moments later I had already tied Eve up and was sitting in front of her, tracing circles in the grass.

"You have to let me go."

"I will. After Trevor has captured Cleopatra and Ted and destroyed the Gene."

"You can't destroy it!" Eve pulled at the rope bound around her wrist.

"Why not Eve? I mean this is what you wanted isn't it. Or was that a lie too?"

"Yes, I mean no. I don't know okay!"

I threw my hands up in the air and walked away.

"But the Protectors will find me." That got my attention.

"You mean the supposed people who can look into people's futures?" I laughed.

"They're real. And they're not just some bed time story that's in some little kid book. You should be afraid and respect them at the same time."

"So they control your fate?"

"No. You really don't listen do you? They send people like me to watch over mortals like you."

"Trevor was right." It hit me.

"Come again?"

"Trevor. He said that I needed a protector, and I didn't listen."

"That's hard to believe." She rolled her eyes.

I glared at her. "But why me? There's nothing special about me."

"Not special but dangerous."

"It has to do with the Gene, doesn't it?"

Eve shook her head. "Whatever you do Sarah, stay away from it. It doesn't just turn you into a wolf. It makes you a totally different person."

"Well you don't have to worry about me taking it because Trevor won't even let me go near it. I haven't even seen it yet."

"That will change. Your future relies on that Gene Sarah and so does Trevor's."

"Wait what does Trevor have to do with..." I suddenly realized what she meant. "Oh no," I froze. "He's in trouble isn't he?"

"What? No. I never said anything about..."

"I have to go." I grabbed my jacket and started walking away deeper into the woods.

"Sarah! Aren't you going to untie me first? I mean, Trevor's completely fine but..."

I walked back over to Eve, pretending like I was going to untie her. But instead I leaned down and whispered in her eat, "I hope you rot out here." Then I left her behind and only heard her begging, "Please! Sarah something very bad is about to happen! You need me! You need me!"

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