Chapter 11: The End Of The Line

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I stared down at the bottom of the cliff. What was I going to do now?

"So this is how your story ends, eh?" Ted asked. I backed up so that my heels were touching the very edge of the cliff.

"I'm sorry Ted, okay? But you don't have to kill me. I'm just a mortal. I'm not even capable of doing what you said."

"Well I just can't take that risk can I?"

It all happened so fast. As Ted was pushing me over the side of the cliff, I heard Trevor yelling my name and saw him running over toward Ted, pounding his face into the ground. Luckily I had caught a branch grown into the side of the cliff and hung there, holding on for dear life. I could hear Trevor and Ted grunting and they were rolling around in their full werewolf phases.

"Trevor!" I could feel my hands slipping. I never was good at pull ups in gym class. Then I heard someone's neck snap, and I was hoping that it wasn't Trevor's. My palms were getting sweatier by the minute. "Trevor! I...can't...hold...on much longer." I gasped. I could feel the tip of my fingers slipping from the branch. "Trevor!" I cried one last time. Then his hand appeared over the side of the cliff. "Grab my hand!" he yelled. "Sarah, come on!" I reached for his hand but then Trevor snapped his head back. Ted was alive and trying to kill my boyfriend. Trevor and Ted eventually turned into wolves again and were nipping at each other.

Then I couldn't hold on anymore, and I fell. When you're about to die there are about thirty seconds when you're reliving all of your favorite memories. One of them included Trevor. His face, the first time we met, just couldn't erase from my mind. Wait a second I thought, Trevor is the love of my life and this is not how our love story is going to end. So I reached into my jacket pocket and grabbed the Gene. I was holding my way out of this mess right between my fingers. I popped the lid off with my teeth and chugged it down.

The last thing I remember seeing is Trevor looing over the side of the cliff still in his wolf phase, fighting off Ted, and whimpering as he saw me. The funny part is that I didn't scream.

I just closed my eyes.

And I hit the ground.

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