Chapter 10: The Battle For My Life

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**Ted's Picture ^^^**

I was racing through the woods, my heart pounding as if it might just burst out of my chest. Trevor is going to die, I kept thinking. And it's going to be all my fault. Between all of the crying and running I thought I was going to pass out. Then I heard some bushes rustle and a low growl. "Trevor?" I whispered. A face appeared from behind a tree and it wasn't a human one. It wasn't Trevor either. At first I thought about just bolting away, but I recalled during my research that wolves will chase anything, and I knew that wolves could out run a human.

Ted walked around me in circles, almost like I was a main course meal. I looked around for any shelter away from him and saw an old shelter house that was around fifty feet away from where I was standing. I was no longer listening to my conscience, so I ran. I swear I could feel him nipping at my heels, but I didn't care.

Once in my safe haven I realized that I was not standing in a shelter house but a church. So I sat down in a pew and put my head between my knees. Why hadn't Trevor come looking for me yet? Why wasn't he attacking Ted right now? There was only one explanation I could come up with. He was dead. Then I started crying again.

I checked my phone and realized that there was still no missed calls from Trevor and that it was two in the morning. I had gotten some rest, and the howling coming from behind the church doors eventually stopped. So I decided to get up from the pew to check if the coast was clear. As I was walking up to the heavy, thick, wooden doors a hand came out from a hidden room and caught my scream and pulled me in.

"Shhh. It's just me."

"Trevor? Where have you been? I've been calling you for the past four hours."

"He's in here."

"Ted? How? I was sleeping right over there and..."

"Sarah. You have to leave."

"Trevor you know that's not an option."

"Sarah listen to me," he put both hands on my head, his thumbs on my cheeks, "You can't be here. Okay?" I found out that you have way more to do with the Gene than I thought in the first place."

"I know. Eve told me everything," he grew a confused look on his face. "She told me about the Protectors and my future and I'm not scared for me. I'm scared for you."

"No, I'm fine. You're the one in danger." Now I was confused.

"Don't you mean dangerous?" Ted asked.

"Ted, everything's going to be okay. She said she'll leave."

"No I didn't."

Trevor glared at me.

"You know what she's capable of Trevor. And if the Protectors are right..."

"Which they're not," he assured me.

"She will become like you and you know it."

"What?" I asked.

"She'll eventually end up killing all supernatural creatures, including you."


"She must be destroyed before she takes the Gene."

"Ted.." he stopped him in his tracks towards me. "I'm never going to let her take the Gene."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Ted replied.

Then Ted lunged at me and Trevor tackled him. While they were rolling around I noticed the Gene sitting on the ground a few feet away, and I knew that I couldn't let Ted have it. So I picked it up, put it in my coat pocket and ran. The last thing I remember seeing is Ted knocking Trevor out and yelling for me to come back.

I don't know how many times I tripped over twigs and branches but I kept running until I couldn't run anymore because in two more steps there was no more ground. I was trapped.

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