Chapter 8: The Apprentice

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**Aunt Tina's picture^^^**

"Trevor where are you going?" I asked him in the school parking lot.

"To find Miranda." he was walking so fast that it was hard for me to keep up with him.

"Trevor, we can't tell her. Okay? She's already got enough on her plate with finding out she's a witch and all."

"We can't do this alone Sarah," he finally turned around and stomped over toward me.

"We won't be alone. Eve's helping us find her sister and Ted, and she wants them dead as much as we do. We can't put Miranda in danger. You of all people should know that."

"She's a witch Sarah! She could put a spell on Cleopatra to turn her to stone or blink her out of existence, or at least something!"

"Trevor you need to calm down." I put my hands out in front of me.

"How am I supposed to calm down when I just found out that I have a family who I'm going to have to kill?" he punched the hood of a car, then leaned against it with his back towards me.

"Shhhh. It's okay." I hugged him. "We'll find a way to stop Ted without killing him. But Trevor, Miranda doesn't even know any spells yet." he turned to face me.

"What about her aunt, Tina right?"

"Yeah but..."

"But what?"

"But how do we know she'll want to help Miranda to help us if she possibly doesn't even like vampires or werewolves?"

"She'll just have to trust us then, won't she?"

As I walked into Tina's I was greeted by her smile, but when Trevor entered her smile quickly faded, and she turned to run.

"Tina, don't!" but before I could finish Trevor had pushed her up against a wall. "Tina we just want to talk." I said.

"Talk?" She gasped against Trevor's forearm pushing on her neck. "How can we talk when your boyfriend is practically choking me to death?"

"Trevor that's enough." He let Tina go.

"Alright, now that you've decided to start acting civilized again," she looked at Trevor, "shall we sit and discuss why you've come?"

"You know why we came," Trevor growled.

"I know that you've found out about my family's secret and that you plan to take advantage of my niece." she leaned back in her swivel chair and crossed her arms.

"We don't plan to take advantage of Miranda at all. We were just wondering if maybe you could be the one to help her learn magic."

"As opposed to who? The girl with the red, dyed hair and high heels?"

"How did you..." I started.

"Please," Trevor chuckled to himself, "she's probably been keeping tabs on us since I got here."

"Witches are supposed to keep and eye on other witches in their coven. It's tradition."

"Well tradition sucks," Trevor mumbled.

"Trevor! I gasped at his rudeness.

"It's fine," Tina waved away his comment, "Werewolves and witches have a mutual hatred for each other. Right Trevor?" she smirked.

Trevor spat on the wooden floor. "So will you help her or not?" he asked.

"It would be my pleasure, but she has to ask me to help her herself first. She cannot learn if she isn't willing to to begin with. That's another tradition for you Trevor. Now get out of my store. I can't stand to smell of wet dog," she held her left hand up and twisted her wrist, suddenly a strong wind came through and the front door of the store burst open. We just got booted.

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