Indulgent Salt Caramels [Kanda Yu]

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"Kanda, Kanda!" [Name] ran up to Kanda, holding a small basket of sweet treats. The dark haired man turned around, his hands in his pockets, as he stared at the female with an eyebrow raised.

"What?" He asked. His voice was somewhat rough, but [Name] knew there was nothing to it; it was just how he talked.

"I made these. Do you want to try one?" She asked, holding out the basket as she looked hopefully up at Kanda.

He frowned, staring at the nicely wrapped caramels that [Name] had made before. "I don't like sweets."

She was dumbfounded; she never knew he didn't like sweets! She sighed and lowered the basket. "Oh...ok, then." She bowed a little then turned around, going to find Lenalee, Lavi and Allen. They'd like some caramels, wouldn't they?

After handing them out to the other three exorcists and some finders, she saved some for Jerry since she knew that he'd like some. Afterward, she visited the head chef and gave them to him.

"Jerry, can I please use your ingredients and stove again?" She asked politely.

Jerry opened the wrapper and popped a caramel into his mouth, before nodding and smiling. "Yes, please! I'd like more of these caramels! They're really good!" He gushed.

[Name] smiled, happy that he liked them. "Alright! Thank you, Jerry!"

She took out all the ingredients that she needed to make more caramels. She had a little plan in her head - since everyone probably likes sweet foods, like Allen, Lavi, Lenalee, Komui and the others of the Black Order, excluding Kanda, she would make more of the caramels that she handed out before to them. Kanda, on the other hand, didn't like sweets. She had thought long and hard about that throughout the day as she handed the caramels out - what could she make Kanda eat that wasn't sweet, yet was a sweet? She finally had an idea, and now she was putting it into action.

She was going to make a salt caramel! It was a sweet, yet it wasn't sweet. That was a great idea, what she thought up.

She placed the ingredients for the salt caramel aside whilst she placed the normal caramel ingredients where she would have easy access. She rolled up her sleeves and tied her hair up into a high ponytail - she was ready.

Both salt and normal caramels were cooling, in small little bars that were easy to wrap. [Name] was cutting up the paper needed to wrap them up, which was colour-coded for the two different ones. She was going to wrap the salt caramel in blue, whilst the other normal caramel would be the colour gold.

When she finished cutting, the determined female wrapped up the caramels and placed them in a medium sized basket, ready to distribute. She had finished all the paper, but there were 2 left for each of the caramels. She decided, since she was sort of hungry, that she would try one. The other ones would be left for Jerry.

She popped it into her mouth, the salt caramel, and the taste of a salty caramel filled her mouth. It wasn't that salty; a refreshing sweetness followed after the saltiness in her mouth disappeared. Nonetheless, it was a good combination.

She got ready to leave to find the others, taking one of the normal caramels and eating that, leaving two on the tray for Jerry, next to each other.

[Name] tried to find Kanda, who was walking out of the Chief's room. She smiled, seeing him. This time, she would make sure that he ate it, whether he liked sweets or not.

"Kanda!" [Name] called.

Being called, the taller exorcist turned around, seeing [Name] again. He looked at her basket of colourfully labelled sweets. "I said I don't like sweets."

"I know, you told me." [Name] said, walking up to Kanda. She got one of the blue wrapped caramels and put it in front of Kanda, holding it out on her palm. "So instead of a normal caramel, I made you a salt caramel. Please, try it. It's nothing like normal caramels, if you've ever tried them."

Kanda looked down at the outstretched hand and at the caramel. He looked at [Name], who had a encouraged looked on her face. He sighed, taking the caramel and opening it up, placing it into his mouth.

[Name] watched carefully as he tasted it, wondering what he thought. Did he like it? Did he not like it?

"They're salty." Kanda commented. "But they're sort of sweet." He frowned when eating it.

[Name] blinked. "You don't like it...?" She asked carefully, hoping that she was wrong.

He looked at her, chewing the caramel. It was soft, so that it didn't chip his teeth when chewing. "I never said that."

[Name] lit up like a light bulb, happy that Kanda didn't hate her caramels. "So you like it?"

"...I never said that, either." He turned around and walked off.

[Name] watched as he went off into another direction. A permanent smile was plastered on her face.

He had taken the caramel, regardless of whatever he had said before, because she wanted him to, and tried it. Maybe he wasn't that hard after all.

He was like a salt caramel, salty on the outside, but sweet on the inside.

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