Creamy Custard Tart [Lavi & Allen]

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"What?! It's Lavi's birthday soon?!" [Name] exclaimed.

Allen nodded. "That's right. But, I'm not really sure if it really is. But that's what Lavi told me..."

"Who cares?! I need to get him a present!" [Name] panicked.

"H-Hey...why're you getting so panicked?" The white haired boy asked, sweat-dropping slightly.

[Name] blushed, and sat back down onto her seat. "...Sorry..."

Allen grinned. "Well, do you want to buy a cake for him?" He asked.

[Name] nodded.

"We'll go after school, then. It's tomorrow, so we have to go back. Is that fine with you? I'll go with you so that you're not alone."


After ordering Lavi's birthday cake after school, they returned the same time the following day and collected the magnificent cake. [Name] held onto it, carefully watching her step. Allen watched her and laughed, seeing how hard she was trying.

"Hey, Allen, I want to thank you for coming with me to the cake shop so that I wouldn't be lonely." [Name] said gratefully.

Her companion nodded and smiled. "It's alright. That's what friends are for, isn't it?"

"Haha, yea-AHHH!" [Name] felt the crack of the concrete beneath her feet, making her fall forwards, with the cake held in her arms. Her eyes widened and she felt a grip around her waist, from Allen. But it was already too late as [Name] felt the cake smash into the side of the box as she was lifted up.

"Are you alright?" Allen asked, concerned.

[Name] nodded. "More importantly, what about this cake?! It's smashed into mini clumps..." She mumbled.

Allen opened the box in [Name]'s arms and checked it, before closing it. "You're right. I don't think that's a birthday cake anymore..."

"Dammit! I ruined his birthday! And it's today, too!" [Name] cried, covering her eyes as she felt the frustration fill her veins.

It wasn't fair that it had to happen today. Of all days, it was today! Not fair, not fair at all!

Allen rubbed [Name]'s back soothingly. "Don't worry, [Name] We still have some time before the party. We can buy something else. But, it can't be a cake anymore. All the cake stores are now closed...we can only go to a bakery to get something else."

[Name] put her hand down and thought about it quickly, before about to dispose of the cake. Allen stopped her, taking the box from her. "We can still eat it!"

"What?! It's already destroyed! How can we eat it?!"

"Well, it still tastes alright, so it'll be fine."


They rounded the corner and found the pastry shop that Allen was talking about. They entered and looked at the available foods, seeing which one looked best.

After a few minutes of looking, [Name] found the one that she wanted. It was a circular shaped tart, beautifully browned and looked oh-so delicious.

"This one, Allen!" [Name] pointed to it. Allen walked over and smiled, seeing the nicely made custard tart.

"We'll get this one, with cream too, please!"

Happy at last, the two of them began to go to Lavi's party, holding their custard tart with whipped cream around it in an orderly fashion.

"Happy birthday, Lavi!" [Name] and Allen exclaimed as the door opened for them. Lavi grinned and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed and happy at the same time.

"Come in, come in! Everybody's waiting!" He moved out of the way and let them in. Allen and [Name] moved in and into the dining room, where they set down the tart and cut it. Lavi sat down onto the table and smiled upon seeing the tart.

"Is that for me?!" He exclaimed in happiness.

Allen and [Name] nodded.

"Here, have the first slice." [Name] gave the first cut slice to Lavi and everybody watched as he ate. But, instead of eating it first, he waved [Name] over, which she obliged.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Say ahh~~" Lavi gushed, imitating a mother feeding a child. [Name] blushed, not knowing what to do. When Lavi saw her hesitating, he laughed. "I was just kidding! Don't worry!"

[Name] sat back in her own seat and looked down, trying to steam off.

Allen watched her and laughed; she was so cute like this, just because of a custard tart.

Oh yeah...what happened to the other cake? Allen wondered.

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