Creme Brulee of the Soba [Kanda Yu]

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"Why don't you like sweet things?" [Name] asked Kanda out of curiosity.

"Because they taste sweet." He replied, continuing on his path.

"Duh, Kanda! Of course they're sweet! That's why they're called sweets..." [Name] sighed.

"Stop following me." Kanda said, an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Ok." [Name] went off into another direction, quickly finding her way to the kitchen where Jerry resided. "Jerry?"

"Yes?" Jerry's head popped in front of hers.

"Can you help me make a soba tasting crème brulee? And a normal one for the others?" She asked.

Jerry smiled and nodded. "Of course! How many are you planning to make?"

"Um...enough for me and my friends; is all." [Name] spoke.

"Alright! But, we have to get ready for a tough time! You haven't cooked much before, have you?" Jerry asked, letting [Name] enter the kitchen.

She shook her head. "No, not really. That's why I'm seeking your help, Jerry. You're a friend, too, so you're getting some."

"Of course I am." Jerry gave an apron to the female. "Come on, let's start."

Later, the smell of delicious food wafted around the Black Order, attracting Lavi, Allen and Lenalee as they heard that [Name] was there.

"[Name]?" Lenalee called.

"Yes?" She replied, coming out with a few crème brulees. Lenalee looked at them and smiled.

"Are you making something?" She asked. [Name] nodded.

"Crème brulee," She said, "I'm nearly finished, so please wait."

The three of them waited in front of the kitchen, watching as [Name] worked to make the sweet treat. They saw her put something strange into another one, which she kept separate from the others.

A long haired man walked through the doors of the cafeteria, going to get something. He saw the three crowded around the opening of the kitchen where Jerry served the Black Order workers, and people around looking that way, a smile gracing their features.

Kanda walked over there, smelling the light sweet smell that overcame his senses as he made his way closer. He looked over Allen, who was leaning on the counter, and saw [Name] working and cooking.

"What's she doing there?" He asked.

"Making crème brulees." Lavi replied.

"Whatever." Kanda turned around, about to walk away.

"Wait! Kanda!" [Name] shouted, catching Kanda's attention.

He turned around and looked at her, expectant.

[Name] got the crème brulee that she made just for Kanda, and held it in her hands. "Kanda, please have this!" She got a spoon as well.

"I said I didn't like sweets." He repeated.

"I know you said that, but please, just try this!" She insisted.

Kanda looked at her with a long stare, but took the food item and silverware, trying it on the spot. His eyebrows rose at the unique taste, feeling the taste of soba noodles in it.

The group watched intently, wondering what he found it to taste like. Kanda stared at [Name].

"Is it alright?" She asked.

"It tastes weird, like soba. But it isn't sweet." Kanda commented.

"I know. I planned to make nit not sweet and like something that you really liked. Really! I think it turned out pretty well." [Name] grinned.

"...think what you want." Kanda said, giving an empty crème brulee dish and spoon back to [Name].

She smiled, placing the empty dish inside and handing out the normal brulees to the others.

"That's Kanda's not as mean as you think." Jerry commented, smiling at [Name].

She nodded. "Yes, he isn't. Not at all."

Jerry sensed something there, but ignored it. He giggled to himself and got back to eating his crème brulee.

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