Part One

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Lou's P.O.V.

The hall erupted with cheers and applause as the actors bowed. One by one, they made their way backstage, waving and smiling at the crowd as they exit. A brunette ran up towards our table. If I were a boy, I'd say she's beyond ten with her tight black dress and her perfectly made make up painted on her face. But, I wasn't - and, to make it worst, I know her very well to even give her a ten. 'Cause, again, if I were a boy, I'd give her a two, and that's being generous, knowing her stinky bitch attitude and everything.

"What do you think?" She started as she reached us. Mom pulled her into a hug excitedly as dad patted her smiling.

"You did great, Bianca," Mom exclaimed, pulling away. Mr. Brandon stood at the center of the stage, mumbling as he calls the guests of honour. Pulling away, she slid her hand to dad's arm and headed at the stage.

"Beat that," Bianca muttered, smirking at me as she sat down to an empty chair next to me. I shrugged as she continued. "You are honestly a disgrace to this family."

"Says who?" I asked, trying to tease her. Mom and dad were now giving a short speech at the stage, earning laughters as dad threw in jokes after jokes.

"Everyone," she said, rolling her eyes. "Don't worry, if ever you wanted some change, I'd gladly help you. What are sisters for, anyway? Just throw away your garbage."

"Thanks, sis," I exclaimed. Smirking, I said; "but, no, thanks. And they're called books and music. Real music. Are you really that dumb? What do they teach you in school? Make up or flirting?"

She glared at me just as three familiar faces come up to us. Calum, Luke and Michael were approaching us, beaming. Calum leaned down, planting a kiss on my forehead, smiling. "Hi, baby girl. Hey, Bianca! You did great back there!"

"Eww," she shrugged, looking more annoyed now. "Why are you freaks talking to me? Oh my, seriously, Lou, ditch them also and you're so welcome to join us. Make our parents proud!"

"Yeah, whatever," I snapped. I caught mom looking at us and took my chance to tell her I'm going out, mouthing at her. She smiled and nodded. "See you later, Bianca boo!"

"Get lost!" She said, turning her back on us.

Laughing, we made our way outside to the school parking. Yes, welcome to my life! I have a perfect family. Both my parents are a successful business person - we own one of the fast growing accounting firm in the industry, making them the guests of honour at our school's homecoming ball where they met and graduated. Bianca has a lot of use with that fact for bragging. And, apparently, she's my sister. I love her actually - but, mind you, she's a bitch. We used to be really close - the three of us. Yes, three. Me, her and our older brother, Daniel.

That was until he died.

It was after his graduation. He was sneaking that night but I caught him and begged him to take me. He wasn't annoyed. He wanted to take me and Bianca but I didn't want to wake her up. We were on our way to the mountain hill - our favourite place - because he heard that there would be a meteor shower. But we didn't make it there. It happened so fast; we were hit by a truck. I was in the hospital for almost a month and when I was discharged, they told me he's gone. They kinda blame me, I guess. I know mom does, even though she always hush me at night whenever I dream about it.

Long story short, my once almost perfect and happy family only looks perfect now on the outside. 'Cause in reality we all changed. We don't even talk much inside the house.

I like to think I didn't changed. I'm still that sister Daniel has. But I cut these days. Pathetic, isn't it? So emo. So... weird - a freak. But it makes me forget all the pain I have inside.

They said, in a snap I can beat Bianca in popularity if only I'd wear something girly and "pink" like her. But, I like the plain white tees and ripped jeans. Her friends also calls me a freak, so, yeah, whatever. I'm grateful I have these three dorks - Calum, Luke and Michael - or I may have already committed suicide.

Which is what I always think of doing. Everyday...

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