Eva 3

18 0 0

FYI: I skip the rest of the night!

Also, This is a really short chapter! Sorry, it's like midnight. I need to catch some Zzz. 


I wake up before Allec. I slept on the couch last night.

 He was ready to leave at one, like he said,  and we headed to my house. Thankfully, everyone was asleep by the time I got there. I packed my bag full of clothes: jeans, and t-shirts, with one dress, and pair of flats. I packed my ballet stuff, too, just in case I want or have time to practise. Once I gathered all my things, I locked the door and didn't look back.

Now, it's seven in the morning. I decide against waking him up just yet. Instead I go to the kitchen and fix breakfast. Pancakes with all kinds of fruit and orange juice. I see it as a sort of thank-you, since I have nothing else to give him. 

"Did you cook?" Allec's deep, raspy, comforting voice sounds behind me.

I turn around to take him in. His mop of hair is even more thrown about than usual, which I don't mind. His white t-shirt hides the contours of his abs, but you can still tell that they're their, and his  pajama bottoms hang loosely on his hips. I look back up at his face, and am relived to see that he hasn't noticed me ogling at him. 

Allec looks at the table sideways. I nod as a response to his earlier question while beaming at him. He gives a nod of approval and we sit down together. We carry on conversation as usual. We somehow, never run out of things to talk about. 

We eat, and dress to go meet the others. I pull my hair into a strict ponytail, despite leaving Sapentia. Not a hair out of place. I just throw on a t-shirt and regular blue jeans. I don't notice the t-shirt is Allec's until we've left and he snickers at me. 

When we arrive almost everyone looks our way. I'm confused for a moment until I realise... He's a trainer. This looks bad... terrible. They think I'll sleep my way to the top. Not willing to do work. I'm already branded.

 I look at Allec. He seems unfazed as he walks over to his group of friends- three boys and a girl, leaving me to find my own way. I feel someone nudge my shoulder. It's Teagan and Steel. Teagan has a wild look on her face.  

"Did you fuck Cross?" She seems amused. 

"N-no! I slept on his couch. My father isn't taking this whole transfer thing well." I can feel my entire face heating up. 

"Expected." Teagan shrugs. 

"How do you know Cross, anyway?" Steele folds his arms.

I hastily think of a lie. "He administered my final exam." Well, not a complete lie. 

"Everyone- attention!" Allec shouts and everyone pulls together. "We have a long ride ahead- three hours." Everyone groans. "We get it." He snaps at them. "You will be staying in initiation HQ this year. You can ride with a friend or take the bus. We don't care, as long as you get there. Get it?" Allec snaps. 

"Got it!" Everyone answers. I turn back to Teagan. 

"Hey, my brother's driving me and Steele. We have a extra seat, if ya want it?" She offers.

"Hey, ready to go?" Allec comes up behind me and lays a hand on my shoulder. A shiver shoots through my body. 

"Sorry, but I already have a ride." I shrug my free shoulder, not wanting to lose Cross' touch. 

"It's fine. See ya there." Teagan smiles at me and waves at Allec. 

As she walks off, I turn towards Allec. "Ready." 

There's no way I'd miss a chance to be with Allec, especially since we're probably not going to have that much time now that initiation has started. 

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