Eva 8

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The next day is to use as we please. We're allowed to have free days once a month. I spend the days working on my ballet. Each Sapentia is allowed one talent. I chose ballet. I'm going to continue practicing as a stress reliever while I'm here.

Last night I had the dream of endless kisses again. The one where Allec swims to me. I can picture his body moving swiftly under the water. It was beautiful, but now the dream scares me. The war. What war? The United Regnum has never been in a war, so why am I dreaming of it? We're a peaceful people.

Over the next few weeks they have us do tests to prove our loyalty in Fortitudo and Confidence in ourselves. Today, we're at a secret location.

"Most of you are now pretty confident in yourselves, but we want to push it and see how confident." He leads us into a room that immediately brings sweat to your forehead. It's not hard to see why. In front of us is a thin metal beam suspended above a rushing river of boiling water. Gage looks down and smiles as we all cling to the edge of the cliff.

"This is the water purification plant. Below us is water so hot you'll melt. You have one chance to walk across the bridge. You will not have a harness or a net. If you fall, your remains will be purified out. The workers here don't even cross without a harness or rope." Gage laughs and Allec wipes the sweat off of his forehead. I move closer to him despite the heat. Gage turns towards the crowd of initiates. "Who wants to go first?" Even Pete hesitates to raise his hand, but it gets up there.

He gets out on the thin beam and struggles across. He trips as he gets to the end, but doesn't fall because Jack is there to help him.

"Next?" Gage says lazily. Not even I raise my hand. Gage becomes impatient quickly and grabs a guys arm. He forces the poor young man toward the beam. The man is scrawny and looks out of place. He hugs the bar and shimmies across. Gage watches him shimmy with scrutiny and a dangerous delight in his eyes.

"Let's keep the show going." Gage laughs. I think the heat is getting to his head.

I step up to go next. The heat is driving my need to get out of this inferno. Gage steps aside gleefully. I put one foot on the bar and feel how slippery it is. My heart begins racing and my toes flex instinctively as if I'm on a high beam. I remember where I have the most balance and decide I have no better option in this moment. I begin doing perfect fouette turns across the beam. I mimic my steps from ballet class. I've never fallen in ballet class, only slipped and regained my balance. I probably look out of my mind, but it does the trick. I reach the other side with out melting. Once their i nearly pass out from exhaustion, but Jack pulls me in. He just stares at me for awhile and I stare back.

"You're weird, Amp." He mutters. Amp? I only have to wait a little longer until Teagan crosses, then we go to get water and rest. By the end of the day, two kids die. Rumor has it that one of them is pushed. At dinner everyone is a little quieter.

Eventually, I see Gage. He gets up and walks to our table. I look over Gage's shoulder at Allec to see what's going on, but he looks confused as well. Gage pushes a few people off a seat and sits across from me.

"Hi, Eva." He says. I'm stunned for a few seconds. Why is he taking to me? I'm always with Allec and they hate each other. I look back at Allec to find him staring at me too.

"Hello!?" I hear Gage snap and I whip back around. Gage laughs when he sees my expression.

"Are you two dating or something? Do you need his permission?" This angered me a little bit.

"What do you want, Gage?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Don't get smart. I was already tempted to slap you, and I might not be able to control myself this time." I gasp and turn crimson. "Besides... I just came to congratulate you. You have been doing well, but I'm sure Cross has told you that." He gets up to leave, and as he does he takes the long way around, strolling behind me. As he does I feel his fingers in my hair. I'm immediately repulsed and yank my ponytail away as if to brush it out. Gage sits back with Allec and the others. That's when I notice councilwoman Ruth. I don't hesitate to get up and go to her.

"Hello, Eva." She artfully designed her short red hair to spike against her scalp in certain places. This makes her even more intimidating than before. Not to mention the studded leather jacket and spike jewelry she's wearing.

"Councilwoman Ruth." My desperation wins over my intimidation. I'm desperate to know anything. Everything.

"I know you miss your parents, Eva." She says in a nurturing voice. It's so close to my mothers I can't restrict my tongue.

"All I want is them back." I feel my eyes sting.

"I understand. Lets go for a walk." She opens the door for both of us and we take a few steps outside. Am I finally gonna find out why my parents were murdered?

"Eva, how did your father treat you?" I'm taken aback with the question of Councilmen Taylor. I came here to get away from him and his expectations.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you know. Did he ever touch you? Hit you?" I'm appalled.

"No, he never touched me! Or hit me. The only thing he did was show me off and plan my life." I cringe at the memory.

"Plan your life?" Her eyebrows rise curiously. Had I just outted father? Did it matter?

I blush at the fact that I'd told so much. I've never had such loose lips. I feel so open.

"He just knew what he wanted me to do. Run for council, marry George..." I try to real in my emotions, and keep from letting all my emotions out.

"You know that's illegal, don't you? To re-arrange marriages with out council consent."

I know. I think to myself. She stares at me for awhile, analyzing.

"Let's get you back." She laces her arm through mine.

She doesn't re-enter the cafeteria, but Allec spots me when I enter. I just continue on to my table. After dinner, I find Allec and we go for a walk.

"What did she say?" He asks calmly and without looking at me.

"Nothing much. She asked me of my father. I think I told her too much..." I reflect on my discussion with Ruth. Why had she wanted to know so much? And why won't she just tell me about my parents? I want to know. I need to know. I'm ready to know...

"Did you tell her about the marriage?" He asks huffing out a breath.

"Yes." I answer meekly. Not wanting to fuel the anger in his voice.

"You've done nothing wrong." His voice is husky and stern now. "It's against the law, Eva." I cringe at how he over pronounced my name. I'd seen how mean he could be in class. I don't want to be the source of the anger. But, at the same time his voice now is so alluring. Deep, husky and accented. It makes me want to come closer and back away at the same time. How perfect.

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