Chapter 1

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Kaelynn was 16 . She was mixed with white, hispanic and black. She lived in Athens, Georgia. She had a little brother and sister named Avery and Aliyah, they are 3 years old twins, they are also mixed but they have different dads. Her mom wasnt on drugs, she wasn't a prostitute or anything, she just didnt give a damn about her 3 kids .

*Alarm Rings* "Fuuuuck! I JUST closed my eyes" I said . I had been up all night with Avery. He had an ear infection and he couldn't sleep. I knew I had school in the morning but I stayed up for him. I forced myself out of bed, walked to I closet and just stood there. "Hmmm, I guess ill wear this" i said as i pulled out a black long sleeved button up with red buttons, a pair of red skinnies and a pair of black vans. My ex bought me that outfit, I thought of our memories and went to the shower. I did my hygiene, put on my clothes and did my hair. I went to the kitchen and started breakfast for the twins. I cooked them some eggs & bacon then toasted them some bread. She went to their room to wake them and Avery was laying on the floor. " Avery, what you doing down there? Get up!" "Liyah peed in the bed" Ugh, I swear this little girl has a bladder problem. I woke her and told her to go clean herself up and change. I got them potty train but they still pee sometimes. After that we all go to the kitchen to eat. After im finished eating i check the time "7:15 , i need to call Mrs. Sally" Mrs. Sally is my next door neighbor, she watches the twins for me while I'm at school. They love her and she loves them, im glad of that because without her and their strong relationship i would have had to drop or of school to raise them. Every time I think about the situation with the twins, i think about how i hate my momma with a passion. Mrs. Sally said she was on her way to get the kids, dress and take them. I waited till she came and kissed their little heads and left for school.

As i was waking down the street some crack fiend walked up to me. "I got some brands new picture equipment" "Let me see" i said. Dang he had a brand new camera and a Microsoft lap top. "How much you trying to get?" I asked. "I need at least 30" i only had 35 on me and that was a helluva deal . I bought the stuff and put it in my bag. I always loved taking pictures, I was even in a photography program, one of the perks of going to school.

When i got to the bus stop i seen my ace chick Keira. "Aye shawty, you looking good today. Let me get that number" she said "You couldn't have even if you tried to buy it boo!" I say joking. i been knowing Keira since I was 5, we came up together. She was my partner in crime, my ride or die. "You look tired as fuck" she said "I know man, Avery was up all night talking bout his ear hurt wouldn't let me get no type of sleep!" i say "You got to do wha-" she got cut off by the school bus. Man that bus was loud and raggedy. Windows dirty, looking brown instead if yellow, it was just a mess it shows that they don't care about this side of the city, look at the shit they send at us to take us to school, willing to break down at anytime ! Me and Kei got on there anyways.

When we got to school, it was the usual. Mr. Blackmore, the principal lurkin through the halls. Mrs. Wilkos being noisy listening to the conversations in the halls though the door. I seen my other ace walking up the hall.

"There go my BabyMomma!" Akaia yelled. "Ayye, There Go My Main Thang!" I replied back to her. See me and Akaia came up together, literally. She lived right next door until we was 14. Her dad moved her to a better part of the city when he got out of prison. "How my babies?" She said referring to Avery and Aliyah. "Still bad as ever, but they can be good for Mrs.Sally" i said. "Tell Mrs.Sally i said hey!" She said and we split up to go to first period. As i was walking through the hall I heard somebody say "I see you still like that 'fit i got you" i rolled my eyes and turned around, i knew it was Alex. "Hey Alex" I said waking towards him. He opened his arms for a hug. I gave him a hug and when i let go he was still holding on. "Alex i got to go to class" i told him. "ok, but let me walk you home today" he said "Ok" i said walking towards Mr. Melvyn's class. I knew he was gone be trippin cause i was late. "Miss Jackson, why are you late?" "I had to...handle some business in the hall" "Oh well, i hope you business was handled but that's an unexcused tardy. By the way Mr. Blackmore needs to see you in the office" Man, i wonder what he wants. He never called me up there before.

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