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#4703+words #love #friendship Edited 02/03/2023


Preston POV

Have you ever felt that undeniable attraction for someone that you know or in my case use to know, well I'm looking at mine right now, I couldn't help but stare at him {who wouldn't he is so perfect looking} I scoffed sarcastically, who in hell would think of him being perfect oh yes I forgot the whore he's got hanging on his arm, though I'm waiting for him to see who that woman is because everyone knows of her reputation, though it makes you wonder how he hasn't heard about it yet, maybe I should introduce myself I'm Preston Philips, 6"3, 26 years old, single and gay to boot but I love my life well I would love it a lot more if he left it, Darren Edwards, 28 years old, 6"4, not so single well not that I really know but that's the rumour and straight as a ruler, now don't get me wrong were not secretly dating or anything it's just we've known each other since forever, we were best friends back then but like everything else in life, reality kicks in and your pushed in different directions "Preston congratulations the party was a success" I heard behind me I turned my head and saw my best friend

Emmy at 5"4 and short red curly hair, she's got a temper to match her hair colour when she's protecting the people she loves and unfortunately that includes me sometimes, she's a curvy woman that I've seen men fall over to have her notice them, which is kind of funny to watch "I'm glad you made it honey" I replied smiling and placing a kiss on her cheek "why do you have to be gay" she whined like she always does when she asks that, I laughed which I noticed caused a few heads to look our way including Darren's but I didn't pay attention "because I'd rather ride a man than have a gold digger like that around me" I whispered seductively into her ear making her blush, before I motioned with my head towards Darren's date, Emmy frowned as a look of disgust cross her expression "why would anyone dress like that and call it sexy, is beyond me" she muttered bitterly, I chuckled and then said teasingly "are you jealous honey" she twirled around and hit me on my arm "don't be so ridiculous" she hissed as she rolled her eyes at me, I laughed again god this women would always cheer me up.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the dance floor "come on sweetheart, let's dance since I'm getting bored listening to everyone else's voice" I asked playfully "why Sir that's the best offer I've had all evening" she replied while smiling like a mad women, the next time I looked at the clock it was one in the morning and I noticed Emmy was half asleep "come on honey I'll drop you off on my way home" I said softly before lifting her up into my arms "I'm surprised she'll let a faggot touch her" I heard before moving my head to look over and there they were Darren and his slut, I raised my eyebrow at her "well at least I have better taste in friends" I replied firmly looking straight at Darren, to be honest I wasn't sure if I was trying to send a little dig to him or not "and at least she doesn't screw other people in toilets when at a party" I continued with a look of innocence I softly chuckled at the look on her face, I left before they could say anything else because that would certainly get me in trouble

It took another hour before I even got home but at least Emmy was safe now I wouldn't have to worry about some sleazy shit taking advantage of her in that state, the minute my head hit the pillow I was out like a light, waking up the next morning was a lot harder than I thought but I had to go to the office and finish some paperwork about the party last night, oh I haven't told you what I do have I....well I work for an a company that organises parties and last night was one of them, the only thing about last night's one was the fact it was held on a Monday, who the hell books a party venue on a Monday it's even worse when you have to go to work the next morning, by the time I got to work I'd already finished my mental rant, now I had to cope with this place and Darren Edwards, do you see how much fate hates me we both work in the same building so we see each other most of the time {even if I do go out my way to avoid him he still manages to find me I think he stalks me} I chuckled at the thought

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