I Finally Realised

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#2430+words Edited 16/03/2024

Lucas POV

I ran home feeling exhausted and completely alone I couldn't believe that happened, I got home and slammed the door before locking it then ran to my room before doing the same thing, me and my best friend Brian we've known each other since we were like five years old, he was my hero always protected me from bullies we never had an argument and even if he was the only friend I had, I didn't care because I had him, for years it was me and him against the world even our mums were close friends and have remained friends even now, but that's all changed now I sat down on my bed crying thinking about what happened today

Flashback Start

Brian never picked me up today which isn't the first time he's forgot, I've tried to stay friends with him but it's getting harder, ever since he's been going out with the whore of the school Melissa, he's been ignoring me I know I sound like a spoiled brat but whenever we have plans to hang out he cancels and when we have the same lessons he doesn't even talk to me or say a simple 'hello' it's like I've become invisible to him now and I know something has to change because I can't keep trying to save a friendship if he doesn't to have one

I was walking down the corridor to head to the lunch room, I was late because I had to return a book to my locker when I heard voices in a classroom "baby come on we need to go" I froze I knew that voice Brian "I'm coming now don't forget you can't hang out with that faggot tonight or no sex" the whore replied I was shocked is that why he's not hanging around with me because the whore says she'll stop having sex with him I was so angry I walked into the classroom "so that's why you won't hang around with me because your whore of a girlfriend threatens to not have sex with you" I said angrily, Brian froze when he saw me "don't fucking say shit like that, just because you can't get a girlfriend don't hate on mine" he said bitterly, I stared at him in shock he must of realised what he said because he paled "I didn't mean that Lucas I'm sorry" he stuttered and his expression was like he was in pain but enough is enough

I looked at him before answering coldly "why would I want a girlfriend who spreads her legs for everyone and she's right I am a faggot and you would know that if you spared me just a few minutes of your time" I turned away but decided to say one last thing "oh yeah I forgot, maybe you should ask your so-called friends about your perfect girlfriend, did you know there's a video of her going round the school" I finished and left school, I couldn't stay there another minute, I don't know how I'll be able to get through the few classes we have together but this is the last straw, no more I've had enough of the constant battle between us all the time and trying to keep our friendship going but this is the final straw, I can't keep doing it and I wont, it's time I stopped trying

Flashback Over

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing I looked at it and saw Brian's name flashing on the screen I shook my head sadly before disconnecting the call, was our friendship really that flimsy to him, I decided to call my mum because I really needed to hear her voice, it rang a few times before she answered "hi sweetie how was school" she asked in her soft voice that's always soothes me "not very good mum, but it'll get better don't worry" I said quietly, not wanting her to get upset and come home while she's busy "if your sure everything's alright baby" she replied concerned we spoke for an hour before she had to go back to work, with me spending most of the time persuading her that I'll be alright

You'll probably wondering why my mum isn't here well my mum is a famous lawyer and sometimes certain people mainly VIP call her and she goes away for business so I stay at home on my own, which I'm fine with but I do miss her a lot, I jumped when I felt my phone ring in my hand I sighed when I saw the name I just disconnected it again and turned it off I can't talk to him yet, I got off my bed and went the bathroom I decided to take a bath to help me relax after about half an hour I got out and dried myself before getting in a pair of sweats before heading towards the kitchen to make mac and cheese, I finished my dinner and make my way to the living room and played COD for a few hours before I got bored and just put a movie on

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