A Vampires Love

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#4186+words #vampire #mates Edited 17/03/2024


Colin POV

Standing on the edge of the cliff that over looks our small town, you wouldn't know just by looking at the small sleepy town that half of the residents were Vampires, it's not known by a lot of people about them but this town as always known of their existence, but that could be due to the fact that one of the oldest vampiric families have lived here for centuries, the other half of the town are humans, a few of them don't like the fact that there are vampires here and want them gone but they have never harmed us so I don't see the problem, though they have been here longer than we have so they could easily make us leave town, it also makes me laugh knowing that they are too scared to even say that to their faces, they're alright badmouthing them behind their backs but if they actually saw them, then they stay quiet or quickly change the subject, though I'm pretty sure they already knew what was being spoken since they have heightened senses and all, but I find it funny watching the humans look away quickly

I'm Colin Edward, twenty-two years old with red hair that reaches my shoulders, I'm 5"11 but I've got a decent body, when I was in school I was constantly bullied for simply being gay, it's never really bothered me what people thought about me, it's how I live my life that's important, when I came out to my parents at thirteen, lets just say it changed my relationship with them completely even though I didn't really have a great relationship with them to begin with, my mum walked out and said I was disgusting and that I deserve to burn in hell or some ridiculous shit, I never truly listened to her much anyway so whatever she said went over my head, my dad was a different story altogether, after mum left my dad just carried on I stayed in the house, went to school but he wouldn't talk to me I was invisible to him, it was a year later that the beatings started, if he saw me then I would get punished for being seen by one of his so-called girlfriends, so I stayed away as much has possible with odd jobs and going the gym, afterwards I was grateful that I became invisible to him because it meant I was still alive, I often thought that during some of the beatings that he wouldn't stop or he didn't want to stop, so yep being invisible was the best choice

When I reached fifteen I moved out because I was so young I needed my parents permission, so I sat down one night with my dad and made a deal with him, if he agreed with me about moving out I promised never to come back, he agreed straight away, he even gave me money to live off for a few months, though he didn't know about my odd jobs so I had money but the amount he gave me would cover my rent for 8 months, I had only rented a small one bedroom apartment but it was enough for me and I've been on my own ever since, I still live in that one bedroom apartment now and over the years I've managed to make it feel more like home than my childhood home was, the money dad gave me that day came in handy because with the pay I was getting from my odd jobs went towards food but I still put some of it away because I didn't know how long I would have my jobs for, I was nineteen when I discovered my little hobby of writing stories down and that became my new job, so while I still carried on with my odd jobs around town -so no-one knew I had more income- I was constantly writing and after some of my short stories were published, I started writing a full novel and it was published 7 months ago, no-one in town knows it was me because I used an alias name

If they knew it was me then I wouldn't get any peace and they would make life harder for me, so I keep it quiet which I'm happy to do, when anyone asks questions about my personal life they paint a totally different picture than my reality again it helps keeps the peace for me, unfortunately I might have money but I'm still a virgin with the way the town forks are, there isn't a lot of opportunities, though when I think about the assholes who are in this town I'm glad to be a virgin, I sighed before leaving the cliffs and walking back to town, I needed to go to the shops for some food, so with that thought I went in the direction of the shops so I could then go home eat and then sleep, or maybe think of another novel idea so start because I wouldn't be able to just sit at home doing nothing {perhaps I could write something about vampires but of course make it not so believable, even living in a town half-filled with vampires, I've not actually had a conversation with any of them} I thought slowly

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