A Cowboy's First Love

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#3503+words Edited 16/03/2024

Ok I don't know if this is any good but I had the idea in my head one night and so I decided to make it a one-shot so enjoy - Jayne x

Seth POV

I was woken up suddenly to the sound of someone knocking on my door I sighed because I knew who it was before I even got out of bed, why knock so early in the morning, I opened the door and there stood my brother Jonathan at 6"3 he towered over my 5"11 with short brown hair and brown eyes he reminds me so much of our father, I stare at him wondering if he was going to speak but when he stayed quiet, I finally spoke "okay I've opened the door, what do you want" I said sarcastically because he is the one who woke me up and the just stood there looking at me glaring his eyes, like it was my fault he was there "Mary-Ann said breakfast is ready" he answered angrily before walking away, leaving me to roll my eyes at his back because seriously before walking back into my apartment, I sighed to myself

You see we live on the family ranch since our parents death we took over the ranch while Jonathan runs the ranch because I have no idea about running one and I sort the accounts out, you've probably already figured out that me and my brother don't get on so after he took over and he got the old barn redone and then basically shoved me in, the only time we do talk is when he wants to talk about business, which is the only time that we can actually talk for more than a few minutes without glaring at each other, we weren't always like this though, when we were kids no one could separate us we were so close but now to him those memories don't exist, I never told why him our relationship changed because it was me who started this distance between us, and to be honest I don't think I'll ever be able to tell him the truth only because I don't want him to hate me or hurt him, I got a shower and then dressed in record time knowing that if I'm not there, he would come back again but I don't feel like having breakfast so I decided to take my horse for a ride, to clear my head from the past

I walked out my little apartment and walked downstairs towards the only part of the old barn that's still there which has my most precious possession in the whole world, I opened the gate and their stood Shadow my pure black Arabian horse, I'm the only one who he would let ride him, he won't let no one else get close to him I got him saddled ready for our daily run, I wanted to leave quickly so I didn't run into Clint the sexy as hell cowboy who works for my brother, the old barn is a bit further away from the main house so I use the path behind the barn a lot so I don't have to pass the house mainly because I know Jonathan would say something about me going for a ride, he always tries to find fault with me these days, I always make sure my work is done before I go for a ride, I never actually sit with everyone else because I'd rather be on my own

After running for a while I saw the creek and decided to stop here for a bit, I know for a fact when I get back my brother will moan at me like he always does, I made sure shadow got some water before I went and sat on one of the rock closest to the creek, me and my brother use to spend our summers here, I won't lie and say that I don't miss him because I do, I miss him so much that sometimes it hurts to look at him in case I break down and tell him why this happened, but I knew I can't for one it's been too long and I don't think he would forgive me for doing this, after awhile I packed up my flask and snacks before getting back on shadow, I took one last longing look at the creek before stirring him in the direction of home, remember when I said my brother will complain well I was right as I got closer to the barn I see my brother, mary-Ann and Clint who looks extremely hot standing there "why are you all standing there for" I asked while taking the saddle off shadow "sweetie, you've been gone for four hours" Mary-Ann told me with worry in her voice

I stopped what I was doing and looked at her "I was gone for four hours, seriously" I answered shocked that I've been gone that long, I know I can sometimes forget the time whenever I go to the creek but it's never been that long before, though it doesn't surprise me, I've often thought about leaving the ranch but then I remember about all the pain that I've suffered to make sure this place stayed with in our family, which always changed my mind about leaving, my brother scoffed loudly sending me a sneer "maybe you should actually do some work" he said sarcastically, I chuckled at him but inside it hurts that he doesn't trust me anymore "I've already done my work, if you looked on your desk you will see the accounts for this month all done" I walk past him and went to my apartment where I closed the door and locked it, I sighed trying to keep my emotions together and not let them out "you only have yourself to blame" I muttered sadly to myself, knowing that it was right and it was all my fault

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