Sweet Tooth

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#2232+words #shortstory Edited 16/03/2024

James POV

I groaned today has been one hard day and it's not even over yet, work has been so busy lately with projects coming our way one after another, being a graphic designer is not always a healthy job {though it any job healthy, with how much the cost of living is going up and how many jobs are being cut, it takes a lot just to have a job let alone stick with it during job cuts} I thought tiredly, my body was telling me just to go home and sleep but all I want at this moment is a large coffee and maybe a piece of cake or something sweet, I know the perfect place to go as well that sells both coffee and delicious cakes, I turned the corner and there it was Sweet Tooth the only bakery in town that makes amazing cakes in the world (well in my opinion anyway) I walked towards it and noticed that it's not has busy but then again I am early, I went inside and I caught the scent of cinnamon and lemon I always wondered if this is what heaven is like, I looked up from eyeing the delicious looking cakes to see Erica at the counter serving some customers so I'll wait until she's done

She's only 5'7 but she won't take no shit from anyone, she was the only friend that stayed with me when I came out gay and I love her for it because after I did well let's just say I needed all the friends I could get. Her mum was also okay with us being friends I think it was because I'll never break her heart or get her pregnant, which apparently was one of the issues her mum had with me in the beginning, and then of course I came out gay and she was happy all of a sudden, it was whiplash with how quickly her emotions changed to me, and now I wonder how Erica and I we're still friends because she can be so crazy at times, I'm 5"10 I have long red hair -it just about reaches my shoulders- which some people didn't like but I don't care and according to Erica I have 'sparkling' green eyes, I have what you might call a swimmers body, I've never been able to gain mass amount of muscle, though I don't think I would even what to have muscle, like I have seen on some guys and anyway I've never cared about what I look like, all that mattered to me was I was healthy -well semi healthy, I have a sweet tooth- and I take pride in how I dress, I don't mean that in the sense of dressing up everyday, no I meant that whenever I leave my home I am clean, tidy and I smell clean

"Afternoon James, you're a bit early today" she asked when getting started on my coffee "is it the usual today" she continued, though I don't know why as she had already made my coffee "yes please I need some sugar" I answered instead, I groaned while sitting on one of the stools by the counter "you've been busy a lot lately, is everything alright" she asked concerned, I nod my head slowly "unfortunately, we had three big projects come in right at the same time, so I and a few other graphic designers are literally bouncing from one project to the other, our boss let us leave early today given how much overtime we've been putting in lately" I explained to her, she shook her head "one day your all going to fall asleep at your desks, with the amount of work you all get given" she huffed angrily on my behalf, I chuckled at her as this is becoming a regular thing lately "when that day comes, I hope they just throw a blanket over me and leave me there to sleep" I answered waving my hand in a dramatic way, causing her to laugh at me, she handed me my coffee and then went to get me a piece of strawberry cake from the display cabinet

"So how much work do you have left to do" she questioned me, as she started wiping down the coffee machine, I quickly ate the bit of cake that was in my mouth before replying "well I have the weekend off for the first time in months, and then come Monday it is back to work, though it wouldn't be too bad then, as one of the projects was finished yesterday and another was sent to be reviewed by the bosses, fingers cross that they sign off on it come Monday, which would just leave one last project to finish" and I was keeping my fingers cross {luckily everyone on the team actually knows what they are meant to be doing, no-one is behind in any work for the next project, so I'm hoping that it will go smoothly} I thought hopefully, I was brought out of my thoughts when the doors leading from the kitchen opened and the most beautiful man I've ever seen walked through "here's your pay check Erica" he spoke in a deep voice {oh my god his voice} I had to adjust my jeans because I suddenly got hard and that's just by his voice. I watched him go back into the kitchen and I'm going to admit I was staring at his arse the whole time "Erica who was that, I've never seen him before" I asked casually trying not to show how much interest I have in the guy, her eyes widened in surprise "oh your right, he normally goes home around the time you usually come in and to answer your question he's my boss and master baker" she answered rather proudly

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