Ranch Owner

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#5670+words Edited 04/02/2024

A/N just to let you guys know I don't own a ranch or even know the ins and outs of working one, so if I've got something wrong, please let me know - Jayne
Dwayne POV

Standing on my front porch drinking my morning coffee is the best way to start the day especially when non of my workers are up yet, my name is Dwayne Chambers I'm 35 years old and I run the most popular ranch in north Carolina (do they have ranch's) I actually bought this ranch from the previous owner before he died, I was lucky when some of his workers stayed on to help out since I was only 20 years old when I bought it, and I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with it but I needed a place to call home and this felt like home, it felt more like home than what my life was like with my family

I do have parents and a younger brother but when they found out I was gay they kicked me out and told me to never come back and that's what I did, my younger brother Mason has always wanted my parents blessing and he didn't care if I was apart of the family or not, I think he knew I was gay before our parents found out and only brought it up when I didn't agree with something he said an that is why I lost my family, that was nearly 16 years ago and I've not seem any of them since, they tried to make me see a priest to pray 'the evil' out of me but I wouldn't go so the only thing I could do was walk away and that was that, I sighed as I look out and saw my horse prancing around his pen if only life was that simple, I never understood why he wanted them to accept him, the world was a large place and yet he was content to stay within our small town limits and not experience anything else, even with the pain I felt from my brothers betrayal, I'm glad I left home when I did

I went back inside to take my cup into the kitchen before I started on my day, funny really but I always feel better when I've done a full days work, today I had the fence to repair on the outskirts of my property so that was my first job of the day "boss" I turned my head and saw my foreman Joe standing there, Joe was actually the foreman for the previous owner so he knows this ranch better than anyone here, including me "what is it Joe" I questioned him, as I rinsed my cup through "just letting you know the men are ready to start fixing the fence" I nodded my head "that's good, it's better if they start on the north side and we can start the south side and meet in the middle" I commented walking out the door, I saw Joe nodding "that makes sense hopefully we can get it all fixed today" he offered slowly "that's what I'm hoping to do" I replied happy that we've both had the same idea

After getting our horses saddled and talking with the other's about the plan, we were all ready by 8am so the guys left but just before me and Joe left I asked Cory to keep an eye out on the place and with a sarcastic bow which made us all laugh out loud at the gesture, we were off even though this is a big job I don't mind since I love being out doors

Cory POV

Some of the guys were still chuckling when I went back to work, it's nice to know that the boss trusts me enough to keep the place safe and I take my job very serious since he's the first person to give me a break in a long time, after coming out to my parents and getting beaten by my father, I had nowhere to go so when I ended up in this town and heard that the new owner of the ranch was looking for other workers, I jumped at the chance, meeting the boss was a god send, he didn't care about my life style, all he wanted to know if I was a hard worker "yo Cory" I heard someone shout from the yard, I left the stable after making sure big mamma was comfortable, that's one of the bosses horses who is ready to drop any day now and everyone is trying to make her comfortable and not let her hurt herself like she did on her last pregnancy, I walked out and noticed two guys driving up the driveway in a beat up truck when they got out, I frown when I notice that one of them looks like a younger version of the boss {so this is his younger brother that I was told about} I thought slowly, wondering why he was here now, after all these years

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