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The Aquilo boy learned his way around the Salvatore school quickly for someone who had only been there for two or three days. He had learned his way between classrooms and how many steps would take him from the dormitory to the Grand hall that he had yet to dine in since his roommate, who he had gotten along with very well, had taken the new wolf out to eat lunch at the Mystic Grill the past two days. Owen claimed the seating arrangements both indoors and outdoors gave them an opportunity to spot the prettiest non-supernatural girls in all of Mystic Falls.

The sound of a pointer hitting the blackboard drew Adrian out of his thoughts. He lifted his eyes from the splinter sticking out of the wooden table in front of him, he had been picking at it since he got to where he was. He was seated in the back row of his geometry class that took place in a light-colored classroom with his feet propped up on the chair beside him, the sun shining through the windows, warming his skin despite the cold January weather outside.

The wolf had learned to absolutely despise his mundane classes but had yet to appear in any of his supernatural classes because of his acknowledgment that the alpha of the Salvatore school's werewolf pack was searching for him, thanks to Owen. The brunet wasn't one to avoid people, on the contrary, he confronted pretty much anyone who seemed to have a problem with him but at this new school— nay, when he had been given a chance at a new life, he was going to try to avoid conflict.

"You're a new face"

The boy glanced over his shoulder to see a pale blue-eyed blonde— the same blonde that Hope had told him about when they caught her whispering about the Mikaelson girl in the hallways on his first day. She was one of Alaric's daughters: the meaner, bitchier one; Elizabeth Saltzman, "A handsome face but a new one"

The girl pulled the chair beside the wolf out, forcing him to drop his legs on the floor and sit properly, "Is this seat taken?"

Adrian was hesitant, not only because he wanted to sit alone but because he thought he saw the familiar long auburn locks that belong to one Hope Mikaelson, "Actually—"

The blonde smiled as she took a seat on the chair, making the boy cut himself off, "Thanks" Realizing that she had yet to introduce herself to her classmate, the girl stuck her hand out to greet him, "Lizzie Saltzman. Twin, siphoner, blonde but most importantly— single"

The Aquilo boy only nodded, as he reverted his focus to the splinter. He didn't want to be rude but Lizzie's energy level was at a hundred and his energy level was at a sinking ten, "Anywho... there's a party tomorrow night that my si— that I am throwing to, uh, kick off the school year"

Adrian chuckled, "A back to school party... in January?"

Elizabeth's smile grew as she admired the boy, getting lost in thought. She could already see them going to all sorts of school dances together, the dates they'd have, their wedding invitations, or if one would want to go down a more morbid path— their joint tombstone. it was obvious that the siphoner had taken an interest in this handsome new werewolf and she wasn't planning on letting anyone get in the way of the possibility of them having a relationship.

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now