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Adrian, his friends, and a few classmates sat in a small classroom for a study group thing that their teacher had come up with. The group had been sent there instead of detention for yesterday's events but much to all of their dismay, all of them were stuck with at least one person they disliked. The Aquilo boy sat with his girlfriend in the corner while Lizzie and Owen watched Josie and Penelope converse or to put it simply— Penelope conversing with Josie while the Saltzman girl did everything in her power to ignore her.

The Park girl nudged the brunette beside her, "Look at us, study partners again" She winked, "Fate just keeps throwing us together"

The brunette siphoner rolled her eyes, finally facing her ex after ignoring her for half an hour, "Not really, you hexed all my other options"

Lizzie rolled her eyes at the Park girl, "You're like the herpes virus. You just keep coming back"

The Aquilo boy was talking to Hope when Elizabeth left her seat at Penelope and Josie table to occupy one at the couple's table. She sat down, her eyes wandering from Adrian to the girl next to him before she sighed, "Look, I know we've always had this unspoken rivalry and—"

The Mikaelson girl furrowed her brows, she glanced at her boyfriend before she faced the pale blonde, "It's not a rivalry, you're just always mean to me. And it's not unspoken, you talk about it all the time"

The alpha sighed, looked up from his book for a moment, "Look if you want a chance to reconcile with Hope, why don't you stop digging at her and fuck off?"

Lizzie gaped at the boy's words and rose from her seat to go back to her sister. The tribrid watched the siphoner leave before she faced her boyfriend again, "That was a little aggressive of you" Noticing that something was off, she placed a hand on his arm to gently pull him away from the math problems he was trying to solve, "Are you okay?... You didn't sleep at all last night"

Adrian nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine. I got a solid eight minutes. Not consecutively but I'm okay and, uh, you're not even that blurry"

Hope's eyes widened in alarm and the male laughed at her reaction, "I'm kidding... I'm totally not seeing four of you" The girl hit his shoulder, playfully rolling her eyes at him.

Penelope let out an exaggerating groan as she slumped down on a chair in front of the couple, "I just want someone to take me out"

Owen turned around, "What, like on a date or with a sniper?"

The Park witch faced him and shrugged, "You know what? Surprise me" 

Later in the day, the Aquilo boy, the Whitaker boy, the Mikaelson girl, and the Saltzman twins had all been pulled out of class and ordered to meet Doctor Saltzman in the library after the eventful occurrences of the day before. The five watched Alaric collect relevant books off the shelves as they waited for the man to give them answers about the punishment they were receiving.

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now