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Watching his classmates getting their asses handed to them on silver platters was killing Adrian, all he wanted was to step out on that field and take control but Lizzie was the quarterback— the self-proclaimed quarterback and that annoyed the male even more. She was good but she needed to be her best when up against the human girls who dug at her at every chance they got. The wolf knew that the siphoner wanted to smite the she-devil that went by the name Dana more than anything but neither he or Josie would let it happen, at least not until they had won.

The Timberwolves called for a break to change their gameplan and that was when the Aquilo boy decided to take over. He hopped down from the bleachers and stopped in front of the Stallions, "Listen up! I'm calling an audible"

The supernaturals who had been chatting the time away, stressing over the fact that they were so far away from winning, stopped to listen to the male.

"You can't" Lizzie objected, "I'm the quarterback. And you're not even out on the field"

"Well, as the alpha of the pack, I can," Adrian told the girl. He faced the Stallions, "Look, guys, we're getting our asses handed to us out here... And, uh, if you guys keep on losing, I'll take the wolves out"

"What? Adrian, no" Josie opposed, "That would leave us with like six players, you can't do that"


The alpha glanced back at the brunette Saltzman before he faced her sister again, finding that if anyone would listen it was her, "You said it yourself Lizzie, this happens every year" He sighed, "We can't be blamed because we're special, it's not our fault. So, why not use the fact that we're supernaturals to our advantage?"

Lizzie swung her gaze back and forth between the Stallions and her sister. She nodded, a determined look on her face, "I'm with Adrian" She faced the team, "The gloves are off. We're gonna give these townies a taste of what we're really made of. Let's burn these bitches to the ground"

"Lizzie, no," Josie objected.

"You can count on my steel" The teens turned around to find Owen in a new pair of shorts, a pair that weren't charred. He moved closer and placed his hand on top of Lizzie's, "Admit it, Liz, you're glad your star player is back"

The blonde girl scrunched her face in disgust, "Ew. Gross"

"I'm with you all the way," Mg told the siphoner as he placed his hand on top of Owen's and the other Stallions followed suit.

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now