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The group of witches and werewolves were still in their headmaster's office, watching Doctor Saltzman pace the room as the Aquilo boy had just finished telling them about his recent phone call with his uncle.

"You have to admit, it was very bold of him to call the school" Lizzie spoke, ending the silence.

Hope turned to the headmaster, whose back was facing the students as he went over a million different things that could have happened, "Could this be another trick by the Necromancer?"

"No" The curly-haired werewolf looked up, "This was Olivia"

The supernaturals exchanged looks as they let the words sink in for a moment. In the short time that they had gotten to know the Aquilos, they had all witnessed the various things the siblings were capable of but the youngest was vicious enough to not only plot her brother's but actually see it through.

"So, she resurrected your uncle?" Jed asked.

"I'm one hundred percent sure that she had something to do with it," Adrian answered as he rose from his chair, "Our best chance is talking to her. If you let me go, I could—"

"Maybe you should take some time to think about this" Alaric advised as he took a seat in his chair, "It won't end well for either of you if you storm in there, demanding—"

"All due respect, Doctor Saltzman, but there's not a thing you can do or say to stop me," The boy replied, cutting his headmaster off, "I don't need permission to go in there. I'm gonna see her and we're going talk whether she wants to or not"

"When you enrolled in this school, I became the closest thing you have to a legal guardian. As long as you're here, no matter your age, you're my responsibility and I can't allow you anywhere near her" The young wolf crossed his arms as the hazel-eyed man continued, "It's for your own good, Adrian. Trust me, you won't get anywhere by yelling at her"

Adrian scoffed. He turned to his friends for support but was met with silence, "So, you just had a change of heart about your interrogation techniques? No more swinging axes, kidnapping, and straight-up stabbing, right?"

"For monsters! The monsters who seek to harm the people in this town, not little girls with vendettas!" Doctor Saltzman exclaimed.

"This isn't a vendetta!" Adrian countered, raising his voice, "This, this is my mom's family cleaning up after them and they're staring with me"

"And the worst thing you can do is threatening the person who—" The headmaster rose from his seat to stop the boy when he suddenly collapsed on the floor, unconscious. The group gathered around the man, some with worried and others with confused expressions.

"Relax" Lizzie spoke as she stepped in between the group, forcing them to clear a path for her to get to her father, "He'll be fine, he's just taking a nap,"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now